Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] began in the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The process of commercialization and industrialization in the newspaper industry which began in the 19th century thus continued to have an important effect on newspapers in this century as newspaper costs escalated , as new methods were developed to tap new audiences , to reach new readers , and to increase sales .
2 The latter , a uniquely interesting people distinct from all their neighbours both physically and culturally , were driven out of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin by the Russo-Japanese territorial conflicts which began in the nineteenth century .
3 Modern socialism , however , is a reaction to the Industrial Revolution which began in the second half of the eighteenth century : in particular to the advent of the machine and the factory , the rapid growth of population and urbanisation , the payment of low wages and the existence of sporadic unemployment , and to the kind of society which industrialisation created which was considered by many as inhuman , unjust and divisive .
4 Despite this glimpse of vintage anti-Semitic paranoia , setting the tone for the new wave of anti Jewish action and propaganda which began in the last months of 1937 and continued throughout the following year , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was scarcely touched upon in Hitler 's speeches throughout the critical year of 1938 .
5 Political uncertainty , after the Norse invasions which began in the ninth century , forced a need for protection for which services were given in exchange .
6 The growth which began in the eighteenth century had made the population more youthful by 1801 ; the normal consequence of any decline in mortality and increase in fertility ( figure 2.8 ) .
7 The enormous relative growth of older age-groups in the twentieth century is primarily due to the decline of fertility which began in the nineteenth ( Chapters 6 and 13 ) .
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