Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] relate to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Okay so this macroscopic current can be expressed in terms of the simply in terms of these three parameters which relate to the single channel properties .
2 The Rural Areas Database brings together from the very many existing sources , data which relate to the changing countryside .
3 In an urgent ruling yesterday , the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ordered the government immediately to repeal specific clauses of the act which relate to the Spanish presence , on the grounds that they illegally discriminate against foreigners .
4 They also move well beyond simply the delivery of the TVEI programme ( Cohen 1989:16 ) : While … consortia were initially viewed as vehicles for " delivery " they have , in the extension programme , quickly incorporated other concerns which relate to the whole gamut of educational concerns and particularly those relating to the new curriculum changes of the Education Reform Act .
5 Two expiry times are specified in the configuration file which relate to the last time the module was entered or read from LIFESPAN ; ie. the ‘ time since last access ’ .
6 In s6 of UCTA 1977 there are certain special provisions which relate to the statutory implied terms in contracts of sale and s7 ( as amended by the SGSA 1982 ) , contains analogous provisions with regard to other contracts for the transfer of goods .
7 No chimpanzee or dolphin has been taught the language of a dog or a human , other than those communications which relate to the basic mental features already common to their minds — territory , comfort , hunger , thirst , sex and so on .
8 A new point that I would make , however , in many of those arguments which relate to the impossible , or alleged availability of additional windfall sites , and land on the inner greenbelt boundary , but I think the analysis which is er carried out is a simplistic one , because it solely relates to residential land requirements , there is no erm attempt to erm bring into the equation whether there is land available for the related employment necessary for that additional residential development , whether there is land available for schools , shops , and Mr Davis 's recreation uses , and so on , and all those will very considerably increase the amount of land required to be released to support residential development , wherever it is located , and that is something which I believe has not been properly taken into account .
9 These , he maintains , are the likely examples which relate to the Florentine cantasi come prints ; and he presents a strong case for the performance of the polyphonic models , and not the monophonic ones as Giulio Cattin suggests .
10 Particular symptoms which relate to the separate parts are usually of less significance .
11 On large jobs where the fee is related to the value of the building contract , for example , it is possible to negotiate with the client a basis of drawing monthly fees which relate to the gross value of the building work executed during that period .
12 What we have to do is to come up with some set of criteria which relate to the relative value we are prepared , if pressed , to attribute to a particular form of special treatment .
13 The reading material should include material which relates to the real world , such as labels , captions , notices , children 's newspapers , books of instructions , plans and maps , diagrams , computer print-out and visual display .
14 It is as if the inner mind structure presents a predetermined pattern to the sense organ , through the brain and sensory/motor nervous system , and only that input which relates to the inward pattern is able to gain entry to the creature 's world of subjective experience .
15 In the following extract from a report in The Times ( 15 May 1982 ) the same individual is referred to by a number of different expressions which relate to the multiple roles that the reporter considers relevant to the incident :
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