Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] lead to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following assessment and successful completion of a period of consolidation the nurse is then encouraged to proceed into a two part professional studies programme which leads to the National Board for Scotland Diploma in Professional Studies .
2 Happily , she is now flying again , the rather unusual engine fault which led to the premature landing now rectified .
3 It was the failure of this attempt which led to the gradual expansion of the regular police into rural areas in the first half of the twentieth century .
4 The first is that , with the consumer being the main culprit in the spending boom which led to the current difficulties , there is a case for shifting the tax burden from industry to individuals .
5 There were also moments of aggravated political violence — whether clashes between hunger marchers and the police , bitter street-fights between fascists and anti-fascists which led to the Public Order Act of 1936 , or accusations and counter-accusations about ‘ political hooliganism ’ when public meetings were broken up , as they frequently were .
6 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
7 There was one last wave as they crossed the stone bridge before swinging away right , up the long gentle pull which led to the first draw .
8 The reasons which led to the Civil War of 1642 – 48 are explained , and the parts Chepstow and its lord played in it are outlined .
9 Each pair of houses shared a front door , staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard .
10 As a result of Napoleon III 's grave error of judgement , the affair of the Holy places became so inflamed that it set the powers on a collision course which led to the Crimean War .
11 Appointed principal of the Calcutta School of Art and keeper of the Government Art Gallery in 1896 , a post he held until 1906 , he was responsible for momentous changes in the art-school curriculum which led to the first Indian nationalist art movement , the Bengal School of Painting , under the artist Abanindranath Tagore .
12 In this case , rather than C , we add the constraint which leads to the additional row ( b ’ ) .
13 In order to prove the commercial value of his coal reserves in the Rhondda valley , he initiated steps to show that the steam coal of the valley lay at exploitable depths , an act which led to the astounding growth of the Rhondda .
14 The results of Edward 's Gascon inquiry of 1273–5 were not entirely dissimilar to those of his subsequent inquest in England which led to the Hundred Rolls and the statute of Gloucester ( 1280 ) .
15 The circumstances which led to the inconclusive ballot result lend some credence to this .
16 This had the effect of realigning the traditional shipping lanes up and down the Gulf which led to the centuries-old general cargo ports in the Shatt al-Arab , Basrah and Khorramshahr , as well as the old-established Gulf ports like Bahrain and Kuwait and the recently installed array of oil terminals nearby : Mina al-Ahmadi and Mina Abdallah in Kuwait ; Ras Tanura and al-Jubail in Saudi Arabia ; Mina Saud and Ras Khafji in the Neutral Zone between the two ; Sitra in Bahrain ; Halul Island off Qatar and its onshore counterpart Umm Said ; Jabal Dhanna in Abu Dhabi and offshore Das Island ; and Kharg Island and Bandar Mah Shahr on the Iranian coast .
17 At Cadger Bank , the hill which leads to the remote alley where the attack took place , there is plenty of cover for a rapist to hide .
18 In the second half it was pretty much a similar story , Leeds pressing from the start , then a Soton injury , then a lovely classy move which led to the first goal .
19 It was that speculation and accompanying doubts about the ability of the private practitioner to meet this need which led to the rapid growth of interest in alternative means of providing legal advice .
20 Revisionist work in this area is less advanced than on the events of 1917 itself , but it has begun to unravel the process which led to the rapid breakdown of the broad popular alliance of October , the metamorphosis of the Bolshevik party , and the transformation in the nature of its power .
21 In studying the period 1968–77 , Davies and Caves ( 1987 ) had argued that it was the conjunction of British managerial weakness and labour organization in large plants which led to the traditional national problem of low productivity .
22 It was the pointy headstock revolution which led to the wide usage of scarf jointing , as the thinner necks which went with such guitars were prone to breaking behind the nut , where the headstock pitched back but the wood grain did n't follow it .
23 It was Stalin 's unfortunate deviation which led to the whole series of attempts by Western European Marxists to return-to-Marx — the major examples in France being Sartre and Althusser , and in Germany the Frankfurt School .
24 But it was already too late , because just as Diana Lanchester was issuing her orders , there was a crash of hound music as they found in the kale , and they were away , the fox streaming out of the vegetation and through a large hedge which led to the adjoining field .
25 The same impulse which led to the Great Exhibition of 1851 also led to the founding of the School of Mines , following the French , and of the Royal College of Chemistry , which was intended to bring Liebig 's methods to Britain .
26 She followed a makeshift , stepping-stone path , through a rapidly deepening quagmire of mud which led to the front door , and knocked loud and firm upon the solid oak panels .
27 It used to be said that it was the attempt by the Seljuks to prevent Christians from reaching Jerusalem which led to the First Crusade .
28 The chief driving force behind the moves which led to the Single European Act of 1986 was the perceived need to create a single market in Europe in order to strengthen and develop the economies of the Twelve .
29 At the west end is the great atrium which leads to the outer narthex ( the marble columns of the atrium have disappeared ) .
30 I figured I might have rather less than ten seconds to beat the ascending Mamba to the balcony , from there I 'd take the door which leads to the vast western attics and unexplored spaces beyond .
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