Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [prep] the [num ord] century " in BNC.

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1 Money which in the sixteenth century had played merely a marginal , though a necessary part , now became the one thing necessary for the maintenance of life …
2 These meetings were often passionate affairs : the deadening decorum which in the twentieth century has come to be identified with religious gatherings did not prevail in the nineteenth century .
3 However , it was precisely the lack of consensus about Thebes ' — or anybody else 's — leadership which in the fifth century led to federalism of so unusual and developed a kind , and which gave Boiotia the cohesion , and the manpower , to defeat Sparta at Leuktra in 371 .
4 This was an adaptation , evolved by the courts , of the writ of account which from the thirteenth century had been available against bailiffs , factors and receivers .
5 Female friendship is expressed in fiction and especially in letters through language which by the mid-eighteenth century used terms of ecstasy almost by convention :
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