Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] a [adj] opportunity for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The death of Marcos offers a momentous opportunity for the Aquino government to rally the people behind the ideals which swept it to power : freedom and democracy , bread and justice .
2 The word ‘ inherited ’ is used here and the biological analogy is perhaps not inappropriate : a series of close mother-daughter relationships presents an invaluable opportunity for the perpetuation of feminine domesticity .
3 Through forums and mini forums throughout Britain and a quarterly newsletter , the Shippers Club provides an ideal opportunity for discussion between shippers , freight forwarders and senior British Airways Cargo executives .
4 ICI believes that the Environmental Protection Act represents a major opportunity for good environmental performance in the future .
5 The availability of the 1991 census data on local populations by ethnic origin offers a timely opportunity for ethnicity — like occupational class — to be systematically recorded .
6 In practice , this exercise provides an excellent opportunity for active collaboration between the firm 's accountant and responsible fee-earning staff .
7 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
8 The preview offers a unique opportunity for guests to view the show without crowds from 7 pm to 9 pm and to enjoy complimentary champagne and canapés .
9 Professor Colin Bell , of Edinburgh University 's sociology department , said : ‘ The conference represents a unique opportunity for the doctors and nurses who care for people who are generally regarded as being ‘ hopelessly ill ’ to get together with lawyers , philosophers and sociologists to discuss the very real dilemmas — social , legal and medical — posed by such people .
10 Thus the eye presents a real opportunity for in vivo studies of some aspects of biocompatibility .
11 The process provides a good opportunity for correlating economic change with patterns of crime .
12 The Fellowship represents an exciting opportunity for a high-profile research career and will appeal to those wishing to join a small and highly motivated research team .
13 The Ministry of Housing of the State of Bahrain has an attractive opportunity for a Senior Architect .
14 The arrival of a new and major market in the Lancaster area represents a major opportunity for local firms .
15 The exhibition provides a unique opportunity for anyone considering keeping a particular breed to have a good look , talk to the owner and make other helpful contacts .
16 A great sense of frustration is building up because many hon. Members feel that the Bill represents a lost opportunity for British Rail .
17 United Airlines chairman Stephen Wolf said last night : ‘ The decision by BA marks a lost opportunity for all concerned . ’
18 Governors should be an essential element in these : the current legislation gives a real opportunity for a meaningful partnership between staff and governors .
19 Creating a budget for the firm provides an exceptional opportunity for partners to review , in depth , all aspects of its operations .
20 Taking things for granted or failing to seek new understanding indicates a lost opportunity for adding to the store of experience .
21 ON the other hand such a situation provides a welcome opportunity for innovation and dispenses with the need to follow any hide bound tradition .
22 But what we would say to you , if you 're actually thinking about going into this media , raising your profile a bit , becoming more pro-active , that local radio provides an admirable opportunity for developing your skills .
23 Staff groups may be short-term or long-term , or a mixture of both , with a core of long-term members working with short-term participants who join for an agreed number of sessions in turn — this particular structure affords a good opportunity for a school to build up a core of its own consultant teachers .
24 Material culture presents an exciting opportunity for multicultural education , an invaluable and irreplaceable resource in art and design training , not least in cases where indigenous traditional skills have been lost , and the concern for the conservation of the world heritage , natural and cultural .
25 Does he agree that Cyprus 's application to join the EC provides a positive opportunity for other EC states , including Britain , to take a positive attitude to finding a solution to Cyprus ?
26 It is argued that the Lords provides an important opportunity for more careful consideration of legislation that has been steamrollered through the Commons , and that it provides high-class debates .
27 The recent addition of information from the 1981 Census provides a unique opportunity for studies of socio-economic and demographic change for 500,000 individuals and households .
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