Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] a [adj] effect on " in BNC.

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1 This seemingly minor change has a major effect on the function of the haemoglobin molecule : de-oxygenated HbS is insoluble and precipitates within the red cell , forming long crystals which force the red cell to assume the eponymous sickle shape .
2 Of course , large parts of the brain are involved whenever the beaver builds a dam but , when the G mutation affects this particular part of the brain 's wiring diagram , the change has a specific effect on the behaviour .
3 To determine whether acute smoking has an acute effect on gastric secretion that can explain the findings of the chronic studies , the effect of this on gastric secretion was studied using the same methods as those used in the chronic studies of Whitfield and Hobsley .
4 ‘ The contract has a fundamental effect on our business , ’ said Runcorn operations manager .
5 I do think the artificial division of people into age groups has a damaging effect on society .
6 Gibson and Jewell have reported that SASP produces an inhibitory effect on natural killer activity .
7 Despite the dual action of PTHrP on bone and kidney , the agents available for the treatment of TIH are mainly aimed at reducing bone resorption , and no agent has a substantial effect on calcium excretion .
8 It may be significant that it is the only instance where pooling the data has a strengthening effect on the correlations , supporting the view that communication problems are at the root of a large number of industrial problems in all cultures .
9 In this sense one is neutral only if one can affect the fortunes of the parties and if one helps or hinders them to an equal degree and one does so because one believes that there are reasons for so acting which essentially depend on the fact that the action has an equal effect on the fortunes of the parties .
10 The generation of surplus ACT has a detrimental effect on the company 's reported earnings , since it must usually be written off in the accounts .
11 The Princess has a curious effect on pregnant women .
12 That speakers do introduce what they want to say via some form of personal reference has a noticeable effect on the structure of contributions in conversational discourse .
13 Such capacitance has a detrimental effect on the attenuating performance , both changing the reduction in amplitude between input and output and introducing a phase shift at sufficiently high frequency .
14 Acetone has a damaging effect on cell membrane lipids , and inhalation of the vapour should be minimized .
15 Black youths may feel that their participation in sport has a negative effect on their other school pursuits and it may ; but this does not mean that their academic lives are burnt out by the fires of sporting commitment .
16 This study was designed to investigate the possibility that transferring to human insulin has a direct effect on the perception and experience of hypoglycaemia .
17 The grain size of the sediment has a direct effect on the percolation rate which is the main control of gradient , the coarser the beach sediment the steeper the slope .
18 The syuzhet creates a defamiliarizing effect on the fabula ; the devices of the ryuzhet are not designed as instruments for conveying the fabula , but are foregrounded at the expense of the fabula .
19 In addition to spray drift , intensive farming has a destructive effect on the surrounding fauna and flora .
20 ‘ We ( in the USA ) could organise stockholder resolutions and protests about this as we have done with the Nestle company and others on the use of infant formula in developing nations where such distribution has a negative effect on the health of children , ’ writes Dr Chain .
21 The choice of organizational structure and process has a major effect on the way STI ( scientific and technical information ) is transferred and the quality of the STI disseminated and used .
22 So these people are important to you , so it 's vitally important that you do n't let them down , because initially this business has a strange effect on you in as much as it seems to take over your mind , does n't it ?
23 The Atlantic has a cooling effect on Champagne 's summers and makes the seasons generally more variable .
24 Only when volatility was measured by the Garman and Klass method or the daily range was there clear evidence that maturity has a negative effect on volatility .
25 Urinary incontinence has a profound effect on the day to day lives of most of those who suffer from it .
26 The prospect of heavy damages has a chilling effect on freedom of speech , and the blank cheque which juries are allowed at present to write does not constitute the sort of precise and predictable rule which the Convention requires .
27 Unfortunately , stress has an adverse effect on all individuals who become its victims , that is to say , for example , sickness , loss of income , unhappiness , poor relationships , negative attitudes , loss of motivation .
28 The extreme oceanicity of the climate of the Western Isles has a profound effect on vegetation , so that montane plants grow at much lower altitudes than in more continental areas .
29 Instead , what we find is that natural selection exerts a braking effect on evolution .
30 The general conclusion that can be drawn from the evidence presented here is that regional policy has an improving effect on the employment and investment situation of development areas .
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