Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] an [adj] role [prep] " in BNC.

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1 16.14 In chapter 7 we say that literature plays an important role in improving abilities in speaking and listening , and in writing , as well as in reading .
2 The platelet plays an important role in interacting with the coagulation system and certain intrinsic coagulation reactions occur preferentially on the platelet surface which appears to protect coagulation enzymes from inactivation by plasma proteinases and localises fibrin formation within and around the platelet plug ( Walsh , 1981 ) .
3 Subjective ( human ) judgement plays an important role in executive decision making .
4 Calcium plays an important role in the recovery of the rod outer segment to its dark state by regulating the resynthesis of cGMP by guanylate cyclase .
5 As discussed below , several lines of evidence suggest that the N-Oct 3/brain 2 protein plays an important role during brain development .
6 Furthermore , sometimes the government expressly delegates public administrative functions to non-governmental bodies : for example , under the Financial Services Act 1986 the Securities and Investments Board exercises a wide range of regulatory functions delegated to it by the Secretary of State ; the Board of Deputies of British Jews plays an important role in policing certain Sunday Trading laws ; the Wood Green Animal Shelter in North London runs the government 's computerized register of fighting dogs ; and the Rowntree Trust ( a private charitable organization ) administers the Family Fund ( a public fund to assist families of severely handicapped children ) .
7 It has been recently shown that leukocyte accumulation within the mucosal blood vessels plays an important role in the pathogenesis of indomethacin induced gastropathy .
8 Healthy eating plays an important role in CCG 's service as Mike Queen commented , ‘ We are currently building upon the Council 's existing healthy eating policies and are using their Herbie cartoon character to help promote healthy eating to the pupils . ’
9 However , it is not yet known if NC protein has an additional role during reverse transcription and/or prior to proviral integration .
10 The Breed Club takes an active role in all things , including inspection of litters to help with the resale of puppies from litters which are bred within the Club 's jurisdiction .
11 Clearly the total amount of information in a stimulus plays an important role in recognition , however , it is not likely to be the sole determinant of P(A) .
12 Restorative protocolectomy with construction of an ileal pouch-anal anastomosis has an established role in the surgical management of ulcerative colitis .
13 It must also be remembered that the voluntary sector has an important role as critic and that this may be impeded by interweaving .
14 The intelligentsia has an enhanced role in creating and transmitting the new national culture through a national educational system .
15 Most tourist sights are sites of historical or archaeological importance , and archaeology has an expanding role in the presentation of such attractions .
16 The bureaucracy performs an important role in facilitating such a consensus .
17 This suggests that this site plays an important role in regulating c-Jun activity .
18 The following type of polynomial plays an important role in Gauss ' theory of constructible regular polygons ( Section 4.6 ) and in the number theory described in Sections 3.5 and 3.9 .
19 Inference has an important role in comprehension .
20 These results indicate that platelet activating factor plays an important role in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis probably by reducing the blood flow and increasing vascular permeability in the pancreas .
21 These results provide evidence that platelet activating factor plays an important role in the progression of pancreatitis induced by the overstimulation of the pancreas with caerulein .
22 In Chapter 3 , we saw that children 's comprehension of difficult sentences is similarly influenced by their knowledge of what kinds of events are likely , and we suggested that this kind of non-linguistic knowledge plays an important role in language acquisition .
23 In societies where the organization of social and economic life is based much more closely on kinship than it is for most people in contemporary Britain , women 's involvement in exchanging goods and services with female relatives plays an important role in maintaining the solidarity of the kin group .
24 God plays an important role in Coleridge 's poetry , as a symbol of ultimate creativity ; both ‘ the creation ’ in biblical terms , and the powers of creation with which we are all invested , are the result of the workings of the ‘ Great Universal Teacher ’ , and so consequently the poet has tremendous respect for God , as he lets us think as we wish ; ‘ he shall mould thy spirit and by giving make it ask ’ , is a line that seems to sum up Coleridge 's views adequately .
25 Weaving plays an important role in the economy of the Western Isles , particularly because home weaving fits in well with crofting .
26 If sodium retention has an important role in the development of diabetic renal disease a diuretic drug should reduce blood pressure and protect renal function .
27 The manipulation of the web of personal relations has an ambiguous role for , on the one hand , it serves to ease difficulties and build bridges across social divides but , on the other , it helps to maintain the status quo and , therefore , the inequalities in the social structure .
28 As with the shape of the bag , size plays an important role in efficiency .
29 Labour will ensure Britain plays an active role in Europe .
30 These findings , together with those for normal subjects , therefore suggest that the right hemisphere plays an important role in mediating tactile perception of direction .
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