Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [prep] the latter [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , in an oligopolistic framework , the non-equivalence between an optimal tariff and a quota arises since the latter changes the behaviour of the competing firms .
2 Rage Against The Machine belongs to the latter category .
3 Broadcasting falls into the latter category ; and there is an awareness that the BBC reform campaign must be conducted cautiously .
4 Although progress was somewhat faster on privately-owned land than on allotment land , crop yields on the latter rose between 1861 and 1910 by almost 50 per cent .
5 Pam Nelson may not yet be a household name but if this young American progresses in the same manner as previous Pilkington Glass U.21 Champions Steffi Graf , Arantxa Sanchez , Jana Novotna and Manuela Maleeva , then it will not be long before her name appears in the latter stages of the world 's leading tournaments .
6 Much of the machinery dates from the latter part of the 19th century , as evidenced by the extensive use of iron parts .
7 Modern society tends towards the latter end of the spectrum , feeling that it has to ‘ control ’ nature in all its many aspects .
8 In stark contrast to the USA where legislation stems from the latter part of the nineteenth century , anti-monopoly or competition policy was virtually non-existent within the UK prior to 1948 .
9 It is uncertain whether the coffee plant manufactures this chemical for its own mysterious purpose , or whether it is made as an accidental byproduct of the roasting process ( the smell of coffee originates from the latter source ) .
10 At present the assessment of advertising effectiveness falls into the latter category .
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