Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] put [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does the hon. Gentleman accept that , if he is as keen as I am to provide a level playing field for road and rail , he should recognise that , when motorways were built around Greater Manchester , of three footpaths that crossed the motorway , one was closed or diverted and bridges or underpasses were put in for the other two .
2 The idea of providing proper station buildings was not forgotten , however , in 1988 , planning began in the hope of attracting grant aid and alternative designs were put forward for a new building .
3 In 1960 a major proposal was put forward for a British and Commonwealth programme by a consortium of Britain 's main aerospace and electronics companies — called the British Space Development Company ( BSDC ) .
4 Janice was put forward for the competition after raising money to set up the centre .
5 More than 52 buildings were put forward for the award for the imaginative redesign of old buildings .
6 When Jeff Tyson was put up for the job of guitarist for Californian metal trio T-Ride the recommendation came from his ex-guitar teacher , Joe Satriani .
7 Soon after this , his name was put forward for the Jamaican Senate and he became a member , but although he attended regularly it was not something he took to .
8 ‘ Miss Duncan 's name was put forward for the possible lead in Arnie Costow 's new production of All the Fond Dreams , ’ the secretary explained .
9 In later years some swings were put up for the school , but that was after my time .
10 Another £100.000 was put down for the National Union of Journalists , despite its clear and well-known policy of not investing in newspapers because of the inevitable conflict of interest in its role as champion of higher wages for journalists .
11 Nevertheless , a creditable show was put on for the public , which in true GWAD fashion , stood their ground despite what the elements threw at them .
12 And also any alterations or recommendations for the national agreement the case was put up for the delegates .
13 His case was put off for a print-out about his driving licence to be obtained .
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