Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] responsibility for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dr George Carey called on parents to accept responsibility for the way their children grow up and give them moral guidance .
2 In consequence , the Joint Contract Tribunal ( JCT ) extended their terms of reference to assume responsibility for the production of standard forms of subcontract and at the same time enlarged their membership by inviting the two main subcontractors ' organisations to become constituent bodies .
3 That same day , another Minister visited Mr Ingham to disown responsibility for the story — the Minister feared Mr Ingham would want him re-shuffled out of the Cabinet because of the attack on Mr Baker .
4 It was expected to lead to the appointment of an impartial body to determine responsibility for the conflict .
5 Education Secretary John Patten has appointed a new governing body to take responsibility for the college .
6 Each member state has designated a particular body to take responsibility for the comparability work .
7 Rachel was kinder and gentler towards her than she had ever been before ; but she also required Phoebe to take responsibility for the baby , to be a good mother , to take heed for the morrow .
8 Subsequently , the government responded to public pressure and provided for an elected single-purpose authority to take responsibility for the ILEA ( see below ) .
9 This kind of accountability goes beyond the narrowly defined stewardship of assets to include responsibility for the performance of those assets .
10 Now the Department of Energy is in the ludicrous position of trying to persuade the SSEB to accept responsibility for the Scottish plutonium , currently unseparated from the rest of the spent fuel , while the CEGB is under pressure to take responsibility for the Kent plutonium .
11 The involvement of the ministry led Finance Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto to accept a 10 per cent cut in his salary for three months in order to assume responsibility for the scandal .
12 Records were needed for audit , disciplinary and precedent purposes , and to enable ministers to take responsibility for the work of their departments before parliament .
13 Mr. Kinnock has challenged the Prime Minister to take responsibility for the recession .
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