Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] control over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This led to involvement in a wide range of speculative projects throughout Europe , North America , and the West Indies , and the huge resources at his disposal enabled him to embark on a vigorous attempt to secure control over the affairs of the East India Company .
2 In taking steps to tighten control over the peasantry and the zemstvos , the government saw itself consolidating the alliance between State and nobility .
3 An attempt to regain control over the peasants ' movement
4 This broader definition of community empowerment has been referred to as communities having equity and capacity to solve problems ( Naparstek et al , 1982 ) ; having abilities to identify their own problems and solutions ( Braithwaite and Lythcott , 1989 ) ; having increased participation in community activities ( Chavis and Wandersman , 1990 ) ; and enabling individuals and communities to increase control over the determinants of health ( Health Promotion , 1986 ) .
5 It urges countries to assert control over the exploitation of their genetic resources through legislation and levies of royalties , fees and taxes on their use .
6 In the Nuclide Luminoscope® ( Fig. 6.1 ) , the beam then passes through a focussing coil , which carries a variable DC voltage to give control over the beam size impinging on the specimen .
7 Aware of German determination to maintain control over the currency , the Commission gave Pöhl a decisive say in drawing up the draft statutes of the proposed European Central Bank .
8 According to their arguments , shareholdings have become too fragmented for individuals to exercise control over the companies in which they have a stake .
9 In effect , Franco had extended his all-encompassing grip on the present to ensure control over the future as well .
10 For instance , husbands are more likely than wives to have control over the use of the family car , if a car is shared by the household .
11 The governing body therefore now has much greater potential to exercise control over the life and work of the school .
12 These children are often asserting their own independence and willpower in an effort to achieve control over the mother ( Chatoor and Egan 1983 ) .
13 Marx argued that the division of labour in capitalist society causes the worker to lose control over the conditions and fruits of his labour , with the result that he becomes estranged both from himself and from his fellow men .
14 Normally , in order to maintain control over the use of subdivisions , each combination of main heading and subdivision must be approved .
15 This can be represented schematically as below : The Left government in nation state 2 may be obliged to sever the relations of possession linking the operating units of the multidivisional international firms to their general offices ( indicated by crossed arrows ) in order to gain control over the allocation of resources within the nation state .
16 The army 's deployment in the south was part of the government 's attempts to reassert control over the country under the terms of the Arab League-sponsored Taif peace accords [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
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