Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [conj] send [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He wrote this little publicity thing under the name Truth Shows and sent it to various places .
2 He has arrested many black gang members and sent them to prisons .
3 The user prepares a document using Berthold fonts and sends it to a bureau for output on an imagesetter which just happens to be running Hell-Xenotron 's Bridgit .
4 For example , in 1948 de Gaulle sponsored a so-called " stamp campaign " , in which citizens were invited to buy special 50 franc stamps and send them to the General 's home in the village of Colombey-les-deux-Eglises .
5 Then fill in your name , address and farm details and send it to the address below together with 3 Hoechst leaf symbols from either Arelon WDG , Hoegrass or Decis cartons or any mix of those products .
6 Using InterQ , SmartStream applications can can access data from Dun 's E and M series mainframe applications and from IBM Corp DB2 and CICS systems and send it to the server system .
7 Using InterQ , SmartStream applications can access data from D&B 's Expert ( the former Management Science America software ) and Millenium series mainframe applications and from IBM Corp DB2 and CICS systems and send it to the server system .
8 She would then freeze and code the brain samples and send them to me — ; by air , as there were no other practical links — in Canberra .
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