Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] roughly the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Sleipner field has reserves of roughly the same size as the depleting Frigg field , ( some 200 billion cu.metres ( 222 MTOE ) , with the addition of 250 million barrels of condensates .
2 The philosophy of pragmatism flourished in the United States at roughly the same period that the social movements of Fabianism and New Liberalism emerged in Britain .
3 Jamieson ( 1986 ) in her study of working-class mothers and daughters in urban Scotland in roughly the same period , found that young adult women living in the parental home would take on domestic work to assist their mothers routinely and extensively , in a way not replicated by their male counterparts .
4 This was reinforced by a number of other changes which took place at roughly the same time .
5 Clients will receive completed accounts , returns and computations at roughly the same time each year so embarrassing delays will not arise .
6 The divergence is important , perhaps crucial , because Pound and Eliot , American expatriates of roughly the same generation , in the London of the second decade of this century made common cause and thereafter — despite ever wider ideological disagreements — remained friends , mutually respectful and mutually supporting , until Eliot 's death in 1965 .
7 Brugg , on a direct road to the north-east should be visited , and so should Baden , just off the motorway in roughly the same direction .
8 In that kind of one-to-one confrontation with two people of roughly the same strength , the one with the stronger willpower always wins .
9 The two lines of thought start from roughly the same point , but soon diverge .
10 Whereas Fig.9.1 shows absolute numbers for the same country at different points of historical time , Fig. 9.2 gives percentages so that structural comparisons can be made among countries with very different total populations at roughly the same time .
11 The justification for applying this Figure to Mercury with roughly the same time scales will be made in Chapter 8 .
12 Similar competition multiplied the areas receiving urban programme funding in Britain at roughly the same time .
13 Not just meeting the right person at the right time but also developing at the same pace so that you both have the same needs and expectations from life at roughly the same time .
14 When Quakers lost at Plainmoor at roughly the same time last season , there was still plenty of encouragement in the performance and they recovered to win the Fourth Division .
15 Wherever the enclosure of the open arable fields resulted in conversion to pasture we find this regular field-pattern of straight hedges and squarish fields of roughly the same size .
16 Play and experiment of a more or less directly sexual nature is natural and normal among younger children and , provided it takes place in non-frightening circumstances between children of roughly the same age there is generally no harm in it at all .
17 Leaving aside the question of a total reform of the education system , it is estimated that to provide all children with roughly the same standard of provision as white children have now would entail at least doubling or trebling the education budget .
18 However , the Universe is in many ways a very orderly place : if nine planets orbit a star in roughly the same plane , the tenth can be expected to do likewise .
19 This leads to a ‘ bandwagon ’ or ‘ follow-the-leader ’ effect in which many firms invest in the same markets at roughly the same time ( Knickerbocker , 1973 ; Graham , 1990 ) .
20 So the next stage in our journey was perhaps predictable — we enrolled for a course with the NCT , which was made up of couples expecting their babies at roughly the same time .
21 It seemed that everyone had to be classified according to height and weight so that they would compete against boys of roughly the same size in the school sports at the end of the year .
22 If there were such a mechanism , if a cloud resembling a weasel or a camel could give rise to a lineage of other clouds of roughly the same shape , cumulative selection would have the opportunity to get going .
23 Of the many explanations for the collapse in the ninth century after such intensive cultivation without metals for 6–16 centuries , the most plausible is that it resulted from sustained failures of maize due to a leafhopper-borne virus , maize mosaic virus , which may have originated in northern South America at roughly the same time as maize was brought to the Caribbean by the Arawak about the time of Christ .
24 The only choice to be made , therefore , will be between packages of services at roughly the same cost , without any direct financial accountability at local level .
25 If you can find a partner of roughly the same level , this is an excellent way of practising .
26 The CD3 , which is Ariston 's third CD player in roughly the same number of years ( they all remain available by the way ) heralds no revolution in technology or features , but may be just what you are looking for if the brief is for a medium-price player which will offer musical excellence without frills or complication .
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