Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] whom you can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If you do intend to follow your own programme see whether you can find a ‘ mentor ’ or other suitable person to whom you can go for encouragement and guidance when you need to , rather than attempting to battle it out on your own .
2 If you have a friend or colleague with whom you can practise it is a good idea to get used to hearing yourself say these positive statements out loud .
3 Time will be well spent talking to the vendor and neighbours from whom you can learn a great deal as to what crops and livestock have been produced over the years , and with what success .
4 The greater number of small companies you have , Branson reasoned , the greater number of people to whom you can give responsibility ; ‘ encouraging entrepreneurship ’ , as he put it , under the umbrella of Virgin .
5 There are many people to whom you can turn for help .
6 Even if you have never owned a dog before , training is not difficult , and there are plenty of people to whom you can turn for advice .
7 Not that he 's the only climber who appears to wish to play down the education aspects of his past — amongst many others with whom you can have sport in this manner are Stephen Venables ( Charterhouse ) , our own Tom Prentice at Climber ( Harrow ) , or even Ed himself ( Uppingham ) .
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