Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] go [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Opposition should go to a number of towns where bypasses have been built , which have been warmly welcomed .
2 Under the plan outlined in the Journal , Prime would refloat under the name ComputerVision Corp , which would include the PrimeService third party maintenance business , and the vanishing minicomputer side would go in a management buyout .
3 The system of private ownership , and the profits which were made by the captains , made it very probable that the command would go to a friend of the owner , or , since many of the ships were owned by partnerships , to one of the actual proprietors of the vessel .
4 The trimmings can go into a stock for the beet soup .
5 Perhaps the hon. Lady should go for a tutorial with him to understand how VAT is collected .
6 Under this heading parents might go for a mixture of building society deposits or National Savings certificates .
7 She was wearing what appeared to be a borrowed jacket in place of her own heavy overcoat and shawl , something light enough to allow her to carry on even though the sun might go behind a cloud every now and again .
8 The catch was usually gutted as soon as it came on board , and the gulls would go in a flock from boat to boat , cleaning up the discards .
9 An experienced publicist would go for a colour piece somewhere instead of the cover , but we were instructed to only go for cover pieces , so we ended up getting them of course , and we ended up creating this whole myth around him which was fabulous .
10 The money is to go in a penalty box kept by Grandmother ; the proceeds will go to a charity .
11 The ex-members could go into a corner and negotiate a new treaty for a small er number , but that would not include us . ’
12 Havel stressed that the dismissal was a reflection not of any disappointment with Vacek 's work , but rather of a resolve that the post should go to a civilian .
13 The anger was triggered by a clash between photographers and bodyguards outside a toy store that had been cleared of shoppers so that Jackson could go on a shopping spree .
14 His missus would go on a vinegar trip if he was late home again .
15 Once or twice he seems to imply criticism of the manner in which a bishop was appointed , most notably in his account of the appointment of the layman Desiderius to the bishopric of Eauze , despite a promise that the post would go to a cleric , but for the most part he is prepared to record events with apparent impartiality .
16 Her cash will go to a charity .
17 All 2,060 workers will go in a town which is already an unemployment blackspot .
18 But then how many fellas will go into a family planning clinic ?
19 Depending on the desired strength , up to a tablespoon of Dijon mustard can go into a pint of sauce .
20 He argues that , even in the absence of natural selection or genetic drift , a population can go through a process of evolutionary change .
21 Do n't ask me how a big thing like a spaceship can go into a thing as small as a potato .
22 Following shareholder approval on May 24 , the two businesses should go in a management buy-out worth $29.6m .
23 Even knitting wool was on ration , but for a time a keen knitter could go into a shop and buy up hanks of thin darning wool ( un-rationed ) and use that to knit with , until some spoilsport in the Government ruined that idea by decreeing that all darning wool should be cut into approximately twenty inch lengths before it was put into the shops .
24 Occasionally Arthur would go for a pint at the local , but that was it .
25 The routine was established that if a customer wanted a carpet , their name would go on a list at the local carpet shop , and then wait their turn .
26 The mention of these two blockbuster names ought not to imply , however , that the collecting of contemporary fiction is necessarily allied to the bestseller lists : booksellers may rest assured that not one of the mega-thousands of Jilly Coopers , Jeffrey Archers , Wilbur Smiths or Catherine Cooksons will go to a collector , while a surprising number of Dennis Potters , Alan Bennetts , Kingsley Amises , William Boyds , Seamus Heaneys and Alan Ayckbourns will .
27 All teams will go through a meeting about six , every eight weeks .
28 12–12:30 is a little early for me — it 's my first time in london so i guess i will go for a sight-seeing or something … except to see me around 13:00–13:30. anyone know if the shops are open in newcastle on sunday ? we are going for the newcastle-scousers game .
29 This has led scientists to speculate that all galaxies might go through a quasar phase , then a less active phase , and finally settle into the stability typical of our own and many local galaxies .
30 For more bullish clients he might suggest a maximum of 25 p.c. of the monthly saving could go into a Pep .
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