Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] themselves [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Against her will her breasts swelled , hardened nipples forcing themselves against the cotton .
2 There are loads of Leed supporters in Goole but they seemed to be more i interested in the young kids chucking themselves in the water jump on the running track which was right by the pitch !
3 Indeed , if we go so far as to see externalization as inevitably bringing the ego into conflict with reality , then we might conclude that many modern neuroses — perhaps the most severe ones — are likely to become para-psychoses : that is , neurotic conflicts expressing themselves in the language of psychosis .
4 Life is good … one can understand these people behind the lines resigning themselves to the war
5 Mitzi was immediately conscious of pain and seconds later of the table upturning and its entire contents spreading themselves across the parquet .
6 So far , groups of crew have had an induction course and what is called ‘ a long sail ’ , when they spend several days acquainting themselves with the boat and gear , absorbing everything from how the cooker is switched on and how to flush the head to hoisting the mainsail and steering .
7 Overweight male execs squeezing themselves behind the wheel of their Mercs ; they died of heart attacks .
8 They had also spent the previous six weeks familiarising themselves with the country , getting to know especially the lie of the rivers , which would become torrents after the heavy rain that fell in the afternoon and at night during many months of the year , while the same river beds higher up the hills could be dry at times .
9 But , in the euphoria of the moment , were the local breeders blinding themselves to the fact that what they were really doing was preserving freaks ?
10 An honest ‘ airing ’ may entail managers putting themselves on the line for criticism as it is clear that the inefficiency of a manager can in itself be a cause for tension in a bureau .
11 The meadow began to mushroom with tents and huts and the street theatre erupted into an explosion of living history , the performers flinging themselves to the ground and then leaping into the air as and when the idea occurred and making funny faces all the while .
12 His grip tightened , his fingers burying themselves in the knot of hair at her nape .
13 It is , to be honest , infectious , and provides immunity from the frustration that the fat drops spreading themselves across the windscreen should induce .
14 Erm , therefore we , to all intents and purposes , can not actually control the demand at that level , demand will be set by the people committing themselves to the health service , where the health service are assessing their needs , and saying this patient needs nursing home care .
15 The roadway had cleared , the people packing themselves against the wall of the buildings that lined it .
16 ‘ In the end , however , Torpedo stole the game from us despite my players running themselves into the ground .
17 One of the more unusual pictures was a superbly painted scene of a nursery interior with two young girls warming themselves by the hearth by the rather underrated Gaston de Latouche .
18 The car slowed again more gently as the Annamese driver spotted another group of peasants gathering themselves at the roadside fifty yards ahead .
19 There the cadets made their promises and signed a covenant form binding themselves to the service of God and the Salvation Army " all their days " .
20 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
21 Adam sat on the bank among the bulrushes and the great , pale , leathery hosta leaves and looked at the house with its canopy of roses and honeysuckle , the martins ' nest under the eaves , the long terrace with Zeus in his various avatars and his loves disporting themselves along the flint wall .
22 The past year has been a vexing time for most research councils finding themselves in the situation of having to reduce their volume of activity within a failing budget .
23 Outside they could hear the rest of the pack throwing themselves against the timber of the gate and the outer wall .
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