Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] themselves [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is necessarily caused by the fact that the intrinsic differences between the services provided in different organizations reflect themselves in the respective budgets .
2 BOY GEORGE has revealed that he and his lover see themselves as a married couple .
3 The McCullochs turned into their cottage with a brief good-night and Cameron , James , and Allan let themselves into the tall , silent house along the road .
4 Needing 361 to avoid the follow-on , England find themselves in a similar but even tougher position than in the first Test at Calcutta where they lost by eight wickets .
5 The United Kingdom will continue to develop our good relations with the Soviet Union and its republics , and to encourage their integration into the world economy ; and will work to help Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania re-establish themselves in the international community .
6 Their work carries highly charged images of male sexuality , such as ‘ Naked Beauty ’ where two young , naked models abase themselves before an open , budding flower , while George looks on with the impassivity of a voyeur .
7 " All communities divide themselves into the few and the many .
8 ‘ It is vital that companies prepare themselves for the new Europe and this initiative will help firms in the south .
9 " They may be familiar with the paintings of Whistler , or perhaps with Whistler 's statement that when evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry , as with a veil , and the poor buildings lose themselves in the dim sky , and the tall chimneys become campanili , and the warehouses are palaces in the night , and the whole city hangs in the heavens , and fairyland is before us — then the wayfarer hastens home , and Nature , who , for once , has sung in tune , sings her exquisite song to the artist alone , her son and her master — her son , in that he loves her , her master in that he knows her ? " … shall I read you that deposition again , Mrs James ? "
10 About two-thirds of all temporary workers put themselves into the seasonal , temporary or casual category , though the proportion was much higher amongst those in lower level occupations and much lower amongst those in more skilled , and particularly in " professional " occupations [ see Table 2.4 ] .
11 The band run themselves on a democratic basis and have their own voting system .
12 Various possibilities present themselves to an active lad .
13 Enough of the worms find themselves on the tight-fitting lid so that when I open the bucket I merely have to lower the lid into my aquarium to feed the fish .
14 Irish catholics find themselves in an ambiguous relationship to Irish nationalism .
15 Most of today 's great tournament fighters on the world circuits limit themselves to a few techniques that work best for them .
16 DEL Amitri see themselves as a laid-back , fashionably unfashionable rock group .
17 However , there can be little doubt that significant numbers of protestant loyalists see themselves as a distinct , almost ethnic group .
18 The vast majority of cross-national case studies confine themselves to a narrow range of countries : United States , Japan , Scandinavia , France , West Germany , Italy and the United Kingdom ; and to a lesser extent , Canada and the smaller northern and central European countries ( notably Holland and Austria ) .
19 Immediately , problems present themselves to the fertile legal mind , and the final part of this paper will concentrate on exploring the implications of this submission .
20 In comparison with ‘ conventional ’ offenders , corporate executives find themselves in an enviable position .
21 Just as we should expect , in Chlorohydra the algae transmit themselves to the next generation by means of the hydra 's egg .
22 The way people dispose themselves in the available space can also indicate , for example , their interpretation of the relative status of those present : for example , standing up when an important visitor enters the room .
23 As more people find themselves in the same position , men stop mocking each other for doing housework and mothers-in-law cease criticising their sons ' wives about going out to work .
24 Holly coming back to the bench after an hour 's walk that had taken him to the ski jump where the young people gathered to watch the first of the winter 's athletes propel themselves into the dizzy air flows .
25 The Kurds regard themselves as a separate race of people from the rest of Iraq and wish to join with the Kurds of Turkey and make a new Kurdish state .
26 Mr. Wuben and his staff pride themselves on the friendly service offered to all guests , they are sure to give you a real Dutch welcome and are happy to help with a wealth of information to help you really enjoy your visit .
27 The Kurds see themselves as the forgotten people of modern times , although few have forgotten the name of the best-known Kurd of all — Salahuddin or Saladin .
28 It can and will work , but only if heads and governors involve themselves in a true partnership based on mutual trust , respect and understanding .
29 This happens most often when massive shoals of fry from that year 's spawning present themselves as an easy meal to a shoal of bream .
30 That J&F Johnston find themselves in the Middle East at all is a testament to the good works of Scottish Trade International , the joint Scottish Enterprise/Scottish Office agency .
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