Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] not [vb infin] access to " in BNC.

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1 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
2 Eventually the local authority associations agreed a self-denying ordinance and in many authorities councillors do not seek access to records on individuals .
3 THOSE who yearn for the smiling helpfulness of American skiing , but whose credit limits do not permit access to it , can console themselves with the news that the French resort of Les Arcs is launching a campaign to distinguish itself from competing resorts by encouraging staff to be unfailingly polite .
4 However , it is generally true that mainstream teachers do not have access to specialist knowledge beyond very generic special needs training .
5 Over 80% do n't have access to any help once they leave hopsital .
6 If pupils do not have access to Standard English then many important opportunities are closed to them , in cultural activities , in further and higher education , and in industry , commerce and the professions .
7 ‘ You know , if you read the collected letters of any writer — if you read her biography — you will always get a sense that there 's something missing , something biographers do n't have access to , the real thing , the crucial thing , the thing that really mattered to the poet herself .
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