Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] about [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dimetrodon and other dinosaurs padded about on the surface of the Coal Measures which were bent up into the great hump-like structure , or anticline , of the Pennines ( Diagram 4 ) .
2 The great demand for executive talent brought about by the wealth of opportunities created under the post-war Pax Americana soon exhausted the supply .
3 Of course , evacuation was only a part of the enormous social disruption brought about by the war ; but subsequent recollections by evacuees , such as those collected by B. S. Johnson , pay eloquent testimony to the lasting effects — both negative and positive — it had on those who endured it , and suggest that qualitatively it was an experience that stood apart from the wider social confusion of wartime .
4 Multiple Sclerosis is a nervous condition brought about by the destruction of blood vessels in the brain .
5 I live in the country , I live in the heart of the country right next to a sheep farm , and there 's no co , no message at all from the farmer that foxes are a pest it 's a misnomer put about by the hunt .
6 It is possible that , not being aware of the limitations brought about by the Project 's staffing numbers , non-participants had expected an unreasonable level of support .
7 ‘ It seems certain that even the small change in the balance of power between professionals and parents brought about by the Act have yet to be realized in a number of Authorities ’ ( Goacher et al .
8 The relaxation of east-west tensions brought about by the ending of the cold war has meant that the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness .
9 The codification effort that culminated in the Hague conventions was an attempt to control the increased scale of warfare brought about by the transition from relatively small professional armies to large conscript ones , and the growth in the destructive power of weapons consequent on the growth of large-scale modern industry .
10 The government 's financial planning had been badly affected by an economic crisis brought about by the slump in the world price of coffee — which accounted for 90 per cent of Rwanda 's export earnings — following the collapse of the International Coffee Agreement in July [ see pp. 36836 ] .
11 No resolution was found during November to the crisis brought about by the resignation of the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) government in late October [ see p. 39151 ] .
12 By 1917 , the year that he first came into contact with Sartre , the very year that Lenin was establishing a new revolutionary Soviet state , three years before the birth of the French communist party , this future activist of the French Left was in the throes of a major personal crisis brought about by the demise of his father .
13 Prior to 1916–17 , prior to the crisis brought about by the demise of his father , the process of schooling was merely an extension of family life , a childhood means of emulating a successful father , the arena in which to live up to the expectations of a demanding father-figure .
14 Here it is important to distinguish between any reaction brought about due to the perception of the odour , and any reaction brought about by the odorant itself , or the presence of other substances which accompany the odorant .
15 Perhaps some may have enjoyed their brief flirtation with notoriety , some may even have gained financially , but others may regret the publicity , possibly suffering from poison-pen attacks brought about by the exposure by the press of names and addresses of those who were victims of sexual attacks ( but not raped ) by The Fox or who were unlucky enough to be associated by both , marriage or friendship to this man .
16 Next month we will look at the packaging revolution brought about by the advent of self service , and the requirements of extensive pre-packaging of food for this style of shopping .
17 The social transformation brought about by the enfranchisement , economic as well as political , of working populations has not impaired the regard for precious substances as symbols of excellence in every field of endeavour , any more than it lessened the hunger for personal jewellery remarked in our opening chapter .
18 Apart perhaps from the revision of the Holy Week liturgy , the changes brought about in the Church 's worship under Pius XII now seem relatively modest .
19 It is the landscape of the cloth industry in the neighbourhood of Halifax before the revolutionary changes brought about by the invention of power-driven machinery :
20 If so , Carver 's last mass is evidence of the profound stylistic changes brought about by the Reformation .
21 One of the most important reasons for this is that the Latin American elites reacted quickly and in most cases effectively to the social and economic changes brought about by the industrialisation , urbanisation and immigration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
22 The massive changes brought about by the ending of the cold war and by the collapse of state mechanism in some Eastern European countries opens up a significant opportunity to undertake work in the very near future .
23 Hardly have the changes brought about by the Licensing Act 1988 settled in and all the guest beer and such like innovations from the Monopolies & Mergers Report taken effect , than more changes are in the air .
24 As several hon. Members have asked , are these individuals , who typically are young men in their teens , likely to be deterred by the changes brought about by the Bill ?
25 The primary sufferer progressively adapts to the changes brought about by the disease .
26 The maturity analysis of commercial assets is one of the disclosure changes brought about by the directive ; another is the inclusion on the face of the balance sheet by way of memorandum of contingent liabilities and commitments .
27 How significant are the changes brought about by the introduction of this concept is more contentious .
28 Some new measures had , of course , been necessary , but on the whole changes brought about by the war were less incisive than they had been in 1914 .
29 The effect of these three changes brought about by the growth of corporate enterprise was that the market could no longer be viewed as regulating and thereby legitimating the exercise of corporate power .
30 All this would have been unthinkable in the 1930s ; though , as Paul Addison has pointed out , there were signs that a progressivist tide of ‘ middle opinion ’ was rising gently , nevertheless the speed with which these developments occurred after 1940 must be attributed to the peculiar conditions brought about by the war .
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