Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] support for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On behalf of all local authority caterers , I thank Joe Hyam for his kind words and support for the local authority caterers .
2 Other related activities include membership of a westen European EDIFACT board and support for the British Standards Institution 's EDI activities .
3 Would not it be a good idea if the United Kingdom , instead of embarking on the Trident programme , abandoned it and withdrew Polaris to demonstrate our solidarity and support for the vast majority of the world 's nations which are signatories to the United Nations nuclear non-proliferation treaty ?
4 Mrs Chamorro appealed for close international scrutiny and support for the electoral process , and for observers to be sent to Nicaragua from unions and professional groups , as well as the UN and the OAS .
5 The council , applicant and any interested parties are invited to write to the inspector giving their objections or support for the proposed development .
6 Mention was also made of the importance of reliable economic data , for private capital to become the principal source of external finance and support for the proposed European Bank for Reconstruction and Development .
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