Example sentences of "[noun] [be] return to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When work is complete on any given tables the most recent versions of the text of new or modified entries are returned to the archive .
2 If the number of rejects in the sample is in excess of the agreed percentage , the whole batch is returned to the supplier .
3 This aircraft was returned to the maintenance unit for an engine refit around May 21st .
4 When the human teacher of the chimpanzee Nim Chimsky could no longer afford to continue his researches , Nim was returned to the community of zoo chimpanzees from which he had originally come .
5 Some specialists will both advise on which sherds are to be drawn and will do the drawings required , but otherwise the selected sherds are sent to an archaeological illustrator while the reports for archive and for publication are returned to the excavator .
6 Can there be a more telling difference between the day when the CBI has confirmed the depth of the recession , unemployment is rising faster than in any other European country , we have a training and skills crisis , which the Government are making worse daily , and the fact that the Conservatives are returning to the agenda of the 1970s because they have no answers to the problems of the 1990s ?
7 After transfer of entries from the Working-Set , the space used for that dictionary range is returned to the system and will be re-used for other tables .
8 It is untrue that the only way to improve spelling is to return to the principle of ‘ spelling as you speak ’ based on phonemics .
9 Work was returning to the yards and down the river .
10 On 27 August 1991 a proposal by Congressman Amaral Netto to reintroduce the death penalty in Brazil was returned to the Constitution and Justice Commission for further study following serious questions by parliamentarians regarding its constitutionality .
11 The planes are returning to the United States , although F-One-Eleven fighter bombers are staying on .
12 At 1920 two helicopters arrived and the master and engineer were returned to the vessel at 1927 ready to refloat her , and the two crewmen stayed on board to assist .
13 Quite a lot of fish were returned to the water and I think we took over seventy in that couple of hours in the afternoon .
14 Sotheby 's began to look for an escape route : they could not risk the picture 's returning to the market and failing to hold its theoretical value .
15 The sword is returned to the Cathedral the following Thursday at about two o'clock in the morning .
16 Removal has to happen very soon after death — afterwards the body is returned to the relatives for burial or cremation .
17 Following confirmation that Alan Noble was returning to the club as chairman in the wake of Dick Corden 's departure , the season drew to a close with a 5–2 win over Exeter .
18 Zachary Wong of the liberal political group Meeting Point was returned to the Legco in a Dec. 8 by-election .
19 His own aim was to return to the message of the Bible via the teaching of the Reformers , and on that basis he wished to outline a very different conception of the nature of Christian faith and life .
20 The Labour leader told an audience of business people , academics and professionals that his aim was to return to the situation of the 1960s , when fewer than one million were unemployed at any time and then mainly for short periods .
21 The Centre for Management Buy-out Research said that confidence was returning to the market , though final figures for 1992 indicated only one more MBO in 1992 than in 1991 at 446 , and 12 more MBIs , at 134 .
22 The fish was returned to the pond , the frog ‘ despatched elsewhere ’ .
23 The natural cycle by which organic wastes are returned to the soil and broken down into humus presupposes a balance between soil , plants , and animals .
24 The marksheet for each module is returned to the examinations office by the module 's internal examiner .
25 Undergravel filters work on the principle of the water and any suspended material being drawn into the gravel , where the debris is trapped , and the water is returned to the tank via the uplift tubes .
26 Mark Lamarr hears a vicious rumour that Amanda De Cadenet is returning to The Word
27 The General Manager in Riyadh , in an excess of loyalty , had tried to protect Laing 's career by only insisting that every riyal be returned to the Ministry 's account , something that had now been done .
28 Mr Turnbull is returning to the Treasury .
29 The forms are self copying , and copies completed during clinical assessments are returned to the database to update longitudinal records on each patient .
30 Although passengers are returning to the air — numbers carried by BA rose 7.3 per cent to 6.18 million in the quarter — the increase is not matching the rise in BA 's capacity , which jumped 11 per cent over the same period .
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