Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] provides a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Anna Karenina ’ has other plots which introduce the story of Anna , her husband and lover and provides a rich contrast to the events involving these three parties .
2 It is the only personal fellowship in Scottish history backed by industry and provides an excellent opportunity to support research in an underfunded area .
3 The cafe situated at the watersports building is opened for all the summer months and provides a comprehensive menu of both hot and cold foods .
4 This can be anything from postcards to calendars to specialist books and provides a steady flow of business to offset the seasonality of the financial division .
5 Far from overruling the TAC 's views , these much smaller committees are concerned to work closely with a committee that provides a broad base for their own more limited discussions .
6 Any amendment to the law that provides an aggravated penalty for someone who could not have foreseen that for which he is sentenced must be wrong .
7 Best known of the eastern glens , with a deserved reputation for the variety and beauty of its landscapes , is Glen Affric , a long straight cutting through the mountains that provides a connecting link between east and west for travellers on foot .
8 The OU produces a study pack called ‘ Planning Retirement ’ ( P941 ) which covers all the important areas and provides a useful starting point for thought and discussion .
9 AimTrak is an ideal management information and reconciliation system for group companies , as it allows for the aggregation of funds from different member companies and provides a consolidated group figure , thus minimising individual bank charges .
10 This wide open moorland with spacious views all around stands in stark contrast to the terrain on the rest of the circuit and provides a gentle descent to an especially idyllic lakeland valley .
11 The interface is compatible with the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker Architecture and provides a shared object repository for HD-DOMS allowing HD-DOMS-based applications using the repository to be integrated across networks .
12 However , the typology was intended to have a more general relevance and provides a useful starting-point for this discussion .
13 The Irish annual covers every aspect of the game throughout Ireland and provides an in-depth look at the ICC Trophy in Kenya next February .
14 The Irish annual covers every aspect of the game throughout Ireland and provides an in-depth look at the ICC Trophy in Kenya next February .
15 To develop adequate and growing capability requires investment in human skills and provides a new kind of barrier to the entry of more newcomers into the international system .
16 Although the Centre does not formally teach postgraduate students itself , it has an active programme of seminars and teaching and provides a Canadian dimension to research in a wide range of disciplines .
17 In conclusion , this book has brought together for the first time the work of all the main researchers and provides a motivating set of reviews for any interested scientist .
18 Since then the area has become overgrown with reeds and provides an important habitat for bird life .
19 It certainly demonstrates the power of conjugation and provides a definite guide for further puzzles of this type .
20 One frame of the film is exposed every six seconds and if the film is then shown at 24 frames a second , the motion is speeded up 144 times and provides a dramatic picture of the cells ' behaviour .
21 The range of options offered at Napier contributes to the breadth of course curriculum and provides a necessary flexibility in choice of subjects studied .
22 These were removed eventually but for anyone planting now , the up to date method is to use a specially developed tube which protects from animal damage and provides a unique microclimate which breaks down harmlessly after seven to eight years .
23 It is also important for the galleries to realise that the organisation is an archive which can be used at any point and provides a massive variety of work and information .
24 The use of such a level avoids the syntactic processor from making incorrect syntactic judgements when dealing with idioms and provides an additional recognition stage .
25 The operating profit of £23 million reflects the underlying trend of a sound business and provides a good base on which to build , he says .
26 The early development of the vertebrate brain , known as neurulation , is not only important in its own right but provides a good model .
27 PL/I for ADMVS has the look and feel of TSO/ISPF and provides an integrated environment for MVS PL/I development under OS/2 .
28 Happily , The Billboard Book Of Number One Hits , compiled by Fred Bronson , hardly suffers from this affliction and provides a complete summary on every single to top the US listings from 1955 through till April this year .
29 The Model builds on OS/2 2.0 and the System Object Model of the Workplace Shell , an object-oriented schema that provides a standard way to write class libraries and a general-purpose mechanism for communicating between objects .
30 ObjectStore will also feature in IBM 's Distributed System Object Model — an object-oriented schema that provides a common mechanism for communicating between objects .
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