Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] give [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They may also write letters to Sinterklaas setting out what gifts they would like to receive , or do a drawing or give him a small present .
2 In this particular instance it is representational , as the ‘ performance mode ’ is , for the child is required to describe in action whatever the teacher suggests ( as in the example above , ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob ’ ) , but the ‘ exercise mode ’ has other characteristics that give it a special mental quality .
3 And we 're very grateful , you 've brought rural interest , you 've brought much wider interest , and you 've brought a great deal of warmth and compassion and interest and time , what more could we say , but to show a token of our appreciation and give you a few flowers to go with that .
4 They take hold of the club and give it a few waggles .
5 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
6 I get hold of her shoulders and give her a good shake .
7 All I considered necessary was to simplify the design of the icon and give it a different colour scheme .
8 Cut off two , inch long pieces of gummed tape and , moistening no more than one-quarter of an inch on each strip , stick them on the top edge of your cartridge paper by holding the brown paper hinges and give it a good shake .
9 a thin transparent plastic coating applied to paper or board to provide protection and give it a glossy finish .
10 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
11 The most vociferously opposed union maintains that all the problems could be solved were the government to remove the PTT from the financial tutelage of the finance ministry and give it an independent budget .
12 Often bosses ignore workers or give them the silent treatment — a negative , no-win situation for all concerned .
13 But this time can you concentrate more on what you are going to do with your body to actually tell people via your body or give them a good idea of exactly what you mean
14 The result is a database on which you can search for a favourite author or publisher , or search for packages that give you the required level of coverage of particular elements ( or units ) of competence .
15 The leaves of this tree are rather common fossils , striped with longitudinal veins that give it a superficial resemblance to the leaf of an iris .
16 For instance , Stravinsky 's Symphonies of Wind Instruments ends with nine bars based on the chord progressions E minor , D minor , and C major , but by adding foreign diatonic notes to each chord he forms small clusters which obscure the harmony and give it a mysterious fascination .
17 NEXT MONTH How to brighten up a dark hallway and give it a new lease of life
18 I spent most of it attempting to get close enough to him so he could spike my other shin and give me a matching pair .
19 And of course , the gospel is the great thing , and this is a message of the gospel , that Jesus has come to change our nature and give us a new nature , put in put within us his nature .
20 But then , it 's a big difference between skiing abroad and you know , like staying somewhere like Cyprus skiing in Scotland , it 's true , but I mean , it 's like the first , I mean , my dad 's typical , sort of , get to the top of the hill and give you a good shove , you know , give you one time to go down a bit slowly and then after that you just get to the top ski downhill phhhh .
21 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
22 You must save the file and give it a recognised DOS filename for a permanent record of your work .
23 If you live in the Wallingford area and have a railway interest perhaps you might like to join this enthusiastic group and give them a few hours of your time .
24 And when he would arrive from Barnard Castle with a heavy load of shopping on a bicycle and give me a nice round bun he would buy as a special treat from a shop called Guy 's .
25 I suppose I thought she 'd either be fantastically frosty and sit on one of those little gilt chairs with a fancy gilt mirror behind her , or else be quite fat and red-faced and come in from the stove holding a wooden spoon and give me a huge embrace smelling of garlic and stockpot .
26 The therapist who will listen to your problems and give you a good perm is bound to avoid the dole .
27 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
28 • Take five of PFK 's top writers and give them a nominal £250 to set up a tank .
29 At the Pattmore project in London and the Rosemount project in Glasgow for example , mothers are provided with adequate child care and it enables them to attend courses and gain skills and qualifications that give them a better chance in the job market .
30 He forgets I can lean forward in this great chair and give him a good whack across the shoulders .
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