Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] [prep] the rest " in BNC.

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1 People who live , work , play and die in the more remote rural places like Baldersdale are distanced from the rest of us , and not just in the geographic sense .
2 This is a very popular spot for picnics , and cars are prohibited at the rest house .
3 Proteins binding to the DNA/beads complex were seperated from the rest of the brain extract by use of a magnet .
4 Our diagnostic efficiency is shown by a diagnostic yield in the first endoscopic session of 82% ; further sessions were needed in the rest of patients mainly because of non-removable blood clots .
5 so you felt that and that pulse point there if you press on it hard enough you can actually stop the one in the wrist and of course that is controlling the flow of blood to the rest of the arm and you leave a pressure point closed off like that for no more than ten minutes , because if you left it on for too long that it means not sufficient blood 's getting to the rest of the , the limbs and the limb must have its blood supply , so you leave the pressure on for ten minutes and then release it , say for ten seconds just so say that the hand comes back pinkish again and if it 's not slowing down , back on with the pressure again for another ten minutes and that 's how you use it , tap off , ten minutes at the most , tap on for a little while , if it 's leaked again reapply , ten minutes at the most , tap on again , okay and that 's how you 'll control it , so if you do have a sit a situation where the bleeding was bad cos you 've got a , a limb severed , you could n't perhaps put sufficient direct pressure over that limb , this done , right , to control the bleeding then you could use indirect pressure , here , breaking or here , right in the , no playing now please , no trying to find this one right now , do this one tonight , in bed and the old lady said now what are you doing to me , never you mind , go to sleep
6 Chester-le-Street , who have games in hand in third place , are forced to draft in new keeper Doug Pettit for their game at Norton because regular John Caffrey is injured for the rest of the season .
7 Sebba and Wootton ( 1984 : 6 ) write : The Creole stretch is distinguished from the rest of the turn structurally as well as in terms of its code .
8 Sporadic fighting was reported during the rest of October , and on Oct. 26 Interfax cited the Karabakh news agency as having reported that Azerbaijani MiG-25 aircraft had bombed Stepanakert , the Nagorny Karabakh capital .
9 Does the final examination bear any similarities to the ways children 's work is assessed during the rest of the course , or are they two totally different and separate activities ?
10 In many cultures the girl is secluded from the rest of society during menarche , sometimes for a prolonged period , and is made to undergo rituals of initiation into her new status as a fertile woman that range from brutal to instructive and celebratory .
11 You should watch out for any fish that may harass all of the other inmates to the point of serious damage ; or for one particular fish being harassed by the rest of its companions to the point of being shoved into a corner .
12 First , there is the degree to which the military is isolated from the rest of society .
13 The Prince 's opinion was shared by the rest of the Bonaparte family ; only Princess Julie Bonaparte , granddaughter of Lucien and married to the Italian Marquis of Roccagiovine , found kind words for the future Empress :
14 Most of the money collected was given to the war effort and a bag of gobstoppers and aniseed balls was bought with the rest .
15 It was his habit to go for a run round his island every day before breakfast , and that morning , because rain was forecast for the rest of the day , he 'd taken advantage of the brief spell of fine weather early on to gather up driftwood from the beach after his run .
16 His pride was shared by the rest of the family who were there in the front pews behind them — Hana , with little Jitka in her arms , Uncle Mick , who looked so much older all of a sudden , Carmella , who was much the same , but Joey had lost a lot of his old sunny quality and slumped sullenly in his place .
17 It was only in the continuing silence that it came to her that her defenceless back was presented to the rest of the room .
18 Along with a Chinese freelance photographer , Cavell had called for her that morning and whisked her round some of Taipei 's famous landmarks , the all-marble Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial , a colourful Buddhist temple , and the Grand Hotel with its magnificent Chinese architecture , pausing only long enough at each for the young man to take the photos that would help introduce Maria to the Taipei public , before escorting her back to the apartment and approving the outfit she planned to wear to the dinner the radio station was hosting for the rest of the local media that night .
19 IF ONLY America 's economy were isolated from the rest of the world , there would be less worrying about takeover bids , junk bonds , debt and bankruptcy rules .
20 In such cases , the tonic syllable is the syllable on which the pitch movement of the tone begins , but that pitch movement is completed over the rest of the tone unit ( i.e. the tail ) .
21 In 1981 , less than 1 per cent of the workforce was employed by the rest of the world companies , but by 1991 that had increased 15-fold to almost 11 per cent .
22 Ella 's lively interest in Harold Shoosmith was shared by the rest of Thrush Green .
23 ( wages for housework ) would take us further away from a society in which childcare was integrated with the rest of life , and in which women are not automatically banished from all decision making about how our lives are run …
24 The integrity of a community 's conception of justice demands that the moral principles necessary to justify the substance of its legislature 's decisions be recognized in the rest of the law .
25 No further such attacks on Armenian territory were reported for the rest of May , but on May 11 it was reported by Armenian officials that Getashen and Martunashen had been razed , and their populations of several thousand people deported .
26 Bomber Command 's immediate priorities after this raid switched to bombing the concentration of invasion barges in the Channel ports , but raids on the German capital were to follow for the rest of the war .
27 That is a fair example of how Britain is lagging behind the rest of Europe .
28 The strict rules of disposing of redundant vehicles by public tender was forgotten for the rest of the stock , dismantled very much behind closed doors at Derby Works .
29 A ‘ high-profile ’ specialist may sit alongside a pupil with special needs , providing direct assistance and support in participating in activities being followed by the rest of the class .
30 Against a background of continuing civil war between government forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE ) in the northern and eastern provinces , local elections were held throughout the rest of the island on May 11 , resulting in a sweeping victory for the ruling United National Party ( UNP ) .
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