Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] [prep] [art] right " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , messages from the left-hand field of vision of both eyes are transmitted to the right side of the brain .
2 The cumulative runtimes from the beginning of the movie are given at the right hand edge of the page .
3 So it 's not a shortage of specialists , it 's a shortage of the erm importance both L E A's and schools give to the subject and make sure that the specialisms are used in the right place .
4 Last night , he must have done about three grams of the white stuff , plus cognac to stop the shakes , plus not going to bed all night , plus having to behave like a serious grown-up with his trainer and make sure his homes were going to the right races in the right countries at the right time , plus a screaming anxiety attack about his father and Butler and the mess his life was in , plus the horrific combined effects of the morning and the country air .
5 Boxes , bags , sacks and coloured packets were piled along the right side of the store .
6 I have used this quite a lot for cardigans for an elderly lady , who was a bit of a traditionalist and would not have tuck stitch , in which the ‘ wrong ’ purl ) side is used as the right side .
7 The car 's pointing in the right direction . ’
8 Left : Most of the weight of compact camcorders is supported by the right hand on the hand-grip , leaving the fingers and thumb clear to operate the on-off and power-zoom buttons .
9 Finally , it is useful to check that the Compact is targeted at the right cohort of leavers .
10 At least it showed that the girl 's mind was working in the right direction .
11 ‘ All you 'd ‘ ave to do is stand in front of 'em and ‘ ope the wind was blowin' in the right direction . ’
12 In the United States MacArthur was identified with the right wing of the Republican Party with condemnation of Franklin D. Roosevelt 's New Deal for its ‘ socialistic ’ tendencies .
13 You will now want to make sure that your feet are landing in the right place .
14 As all the carcinomas were located on the right side of the colon , except the rectal carcinoma , which was found by rigid sigmoidoscopy , barium enema would seem to be an appropriate initial method of investigation .
15 Taillebourg is situated on the right bank of the River Charente , perched on an outcrop of light-coloured rock .
16 The ability of each deletion polypeptide to bind to DNA ( + ) or not ( - ) in gel retardation analyses is summarized on the right hand side of panel A. B. Gel retardation experiment with the 140k DNA binding domain deletion polypeptides .
17 He urged a continuation of the offensive , recommending that the thrust be resumed on the Right Bank as well , with the object of pushing forward to the line Ouvrage de Thiaumont — Fleury — Fort Souville — Fort Tavannes .
18 In all 15 sign languages HELP was signed with the right hand lifting and moving forward the left hand , forearm or elbow .
19 His interest was to ensure that poetry was read with the right kind of attention , not to analyze or explain the textual means by which its effect is achieved .
20 Similarly teams of medical advisers were brought down to William Osborne to inspect and comment on the level and location of medical equipment so that as the boat was built the right equipment was installed in the right place .
21 We have argued that even broadcasting was biased towards the right wing and , separately , towards the government of the day .
22 ‘ There was neither time nor machinery ’ , wrote Dorothy Hardisty , ‘ to ensure that each child was placed in the right religious environment . ’
23 The purpose of my question was to extract from the right hon. Gentleman what he thought was meant not by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department but the new clause .
24 Six left handers were operated on the right hemisphere of whom one was affected by stimulation and also showed aphasia post-operatively .
25 Secondly , I wish to see our participation at Maastricht emphasising and improving those matters on which the Community is going in the right direction .
26 He then calculates estimated sales , co-ordinates with his production department so the product is made in the right volume , and enlists the help of advertising and other specialist services , such as sales promotion and public relations , to help him achieve the projected sales .
27 We are constantly upgrading our distribution network to ensure that the right product is delivered to the right customer at the right time .
28 The ATP molecule is held in the right place by the enzyme which is catalysing the reaction .
29 The drama school will know about this , and make sure your picture is sent at the right time before you finish training .
30 The operation was done through the midline scar and the recurrent tumour was removed from the right upper rectus together with surrounding unaffected tissue .
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