Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the same rate [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If you become unemployed , you draw unemployment benefit at the same rate as retirement pension , but there is no increment for those weeks .
2 Customers are being urged to demand compensation for blunders at the same rate as the charges on their accounts .
3 It is obvious that the aggregate demand for consumption goods must Brow at the same rate as the production of such commodities if equilibrium is to be maintained ; but there is an inherent drive within the capitalist system to reduce the amount of variable capital advanced or employed for the purchase of labour-power as a proportion of the total capital advanced .
4 If , after all these deductions , your net gains during the full financial year total more than £5,800 , capital gains tax is due on the surplus at the same rate as your income tax payments .
5 In the range £20 — £39 a clear majority of people were taxed on goods , many not owning any land at all , and since personal property at this level was insufficient to confer gentry status , members of the group occupied an intermediate position , lacking on the one hand the landed property necessary for gentlemen ; they were , on the other hand , judged competent to pay tax at the same rate as gentlemen , making them men of undeniable substance in comparison with the rank and file of country folk .
6 The profitability margin will continue increasing , he said , because IBM is not investing in development at the same rate that sales of the RS/6000 are growing .
7 Do we forget all kinds of knowledge at the same rate or is some knowledge more enduring ?
8 If annual incidence is equal to annual outcidence ( water is pouring into the sink at the same rate as it is emptying ) , then annual prevalence remains at a stable , unchanging level ( the water level in the sink is constant ) .
9 No two people age at the same rate or in the same way .
10 In fact , however , it is only likely to be supplied by diffusion at the same rate as the single layers .
11 Even if this were politically possible , which it is not , petrol taxes punish the rural lunch-time driver at the same rate as the urban peak-time driver , when the latter causes far more harm .
12 British case at least , the problem of national or ethnic difference was masked for a long period by development occurring in the peripheries at the same rate and in similar ways to development in industrial England .
13 Under this legislation , for the first time a married woman who paid full contributions became entitled to unemployment and sickness benefits at the same rate as her single sister .
14 A male , therefore , feeding at the same rate and converting energy into gametes at the same rate as a female , can produce gametes at a much higher rate .
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