Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] before " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I still ca n't work out how they got away with it because I 'd only left it outside the tent for a few moments before it vanished .
2 She considered the question for a few minutes before she replied , ‘ Barbados takes a bit of getting used to , but its good points far outweigh the bad .
3 And we always try to get together for a while in the same room before we play a concert , just to make sure we have a talk and a laugh .
4 They took breath for a few moments before they emerged , after the third volley , to finish what they had begun , the Welsh swordsmen boiling out of the bushes joyously on their heels .
5 He sat in the driver 's seat to get the feel for a few moments before he started it up .
6 In toads , for instance , the males sit on the backs of females for a few days before the female lays her eggs .
7 It can , he argues , often be reduced by the application of a little thought before you start work on your latest creation .
8 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
9 It was only a matter of a few hours before the stranger had been slotted into the local kinship network ; and the recognition of kinship was mutual .
10 They back off six inches and then charge like two bulls , with the female grasping the male by the bottom lip for a few seconds before he escapes .
11 You get the feeling that this is a film made as a gift from the writers to Brando , who probably fancied the idea of a few laughs before it 's too late .
12 You get the feeling that this is a film made as a gift from the writers to Brando , who probably fancied the idea of a few laughs before it 's too late .
13 ‘ I am not persuaded that the use of the personal pronoun ‘ him ’ in the phrase ‘ sustained by him ’ was intended by parliament to have the bizarre result that there was no-one to injure or to sustain injuries in the few days before the child was born .
14 Cliff , the concrete contractor , and Tessa , the schoolteacher , were flipped off the paddle boat in a suck hole and held underwater by the boiling currents for a few seconds before their life-jackets brought them spluttering to the surface .
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