Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] upon [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier in Weston-Super-Mare Salvation Army leaders had been arrested for proceeding with a march contrary to a ban placed upon it by the local magistrates .
2 Not till later was it diagnosed that the mental breakdown which destroyed Hoskyns crept upon him for a year or more before he died .
3 According to ‘ positioning theory ’ this understanding of behaviour is a mutual creation through the interaction of the parties depending upon which of the many possible selves has been confirmed in the ‘ storyline ’ that is accepted .
4 Could a Council be established which could cope with the demands made upon it by a multitude of members ?
5 Central administration has been continually adapting itself to the new demands made upon it by the creation of services .
6 First , instead of the size of the pool being determined solely by the demands made upon it by the local authorities , the global sum to be spent on advanced further education would be determined by the AFEC in consultation with the DES after it received estimates of expenditure from the local authorities in respect of the provision of higher education within their boundaries , on the grounds that the local authority would behave more responsibly if it paid a proportion of the cost rather than reclaiming all of it from the pool .
7 Should we look to it for a pool of inventive talent that actively embodied novelty in its products , and thereby provided pressure for technical change among its customers ; or rather , for provision of engineering skills that responded passively to the demands made upon it by the inventiveness of its clients consumer industries and civil engineers ?
8 Yet the West still seems determined to exclude Iran from regional security , no doubt because of United States irritation with the humiliation visited upon it during the Gulf war by the Islamic republic .
9 She stands off expectantly to one side , limbs and body ready for an instant gallop or spring , her eyes focused upon you in an attempt to induce an endless repetition of the game .
10 Organisations sometimes have age discrimination thrust upon them by the vicissitudes of insurance .
11 Dinah , accordingly , had champagne drunk out of her slipper , more champagne thrust upon her in a glass ; and was driven home in the small hours of the morning , after supper at a famous restaurant with three escorts ; Nathan Holland , the famous actor who played Macbeth , and her father .
12 I used the PCW version and found little at fault , except , that the limitations imposed upon it by the hardware made it slow to operate .
13 The Statue of the Etook Ha'chllt he 'd bartered for in a little town called Slew , which was now , regrettably , a blasted spot , its citizens the victims of a purge visited upon them for the crime of a song , written in the dialect of their community , suggesting that the Autarch of Yzordderrex lacked testicles .
14 Because innkeepers are under specific duties imposed upon them by the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 and at common law , they in return have certain rights which they may exercise over and above those which proprietors who are not innkeepers may exercise .
15 I do not overlook De Gourmont 's plea for a meeting of the nations but I do believe that when they meet Paris will be more than slightly abashed to find parodies of the middle ages , Dante and Langue D'Oc foisted upon it as the best in United States poetry .
16 A mind with a clear understanding of what it means by ‘ god ’ when making a call on that ‘ god ’ will have access to a physical response of immense scope , controlled only by the limitations put upon it by the processes of evolution .
17 If it is proposed to make employees redundant , it is suggested that the vendor should commence consultation with the unions no later than the same time as the statutory consultation period imposed upon him by the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Act 1992 , s188 .
18 On December 6 , 1918 , troops of the 9th Battalion B.W.I.R. , unable to contain their frustrations any longer , discarded the racist fetters imposed upon them by the War Office and violently attacked their superior officers , severely assaulting the unit commander in the process .
19 When a population gets out of balance with its environment disaster occurs : starvation , ecological collapse , and ultimately , the population falls upon itself for a bit of frantic nibbling and other distressed rat-type behaviour .
20 The wind and rain swept upon us as the ferry , our fellow passengers and all associations with warmth , comfort and civilisation disappeared into the greyness .
21 Among these creators of new states none is quite like Ho Chi Minh who , despite having the spotlight of publicity turned upon him by the world 's press , remains in many ways a mystery man .
22 As far as the authority of the board is concerned , it must carry out its functions according to the powers conferred upon it by the company 's articles .
23 In serving this ideal , one feature which gave the new English its peculiar potency was the cultural mystique endowed upon it by a vision of the qualities seen as inherent in the national literature .
24 The truth is that without the assistance and support of local education authorities in helping schools manage the many drastic , rushed and ill conceived changes forced upon them by the Tory Government during the past 13 years , the education service would by now be in total disarray .
25 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
26 Whether the introduction of the term fairness causes any modification of this stance depends upon which of the following two meanings is ascribed to that term .
27 Their mothers and sisters looked upon them in a new way , because until now they had been sons and brothers , but were from that day to be turned into men by the strictest mistress of all .
28 Ella looked upon them with a kindly eye .
29 ‘ Criminals far more vicious than Nicholas Dodman looked upon him as an easy target to provide an outlet for their criminal activities , ’ he said .
30 ‘ Criminals far more vicious than Nicholas Dodman looked upon him as an easy target to provide an outlet for their criminal activities , ’ he said .
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