Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at the very [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Paige said quickly , heart thumping at the very idea .
2 With the skeg placed at the very back , there is also less chance of spin out .
3 The practitioner travels in all directions , executing various movements , with the final technique ending at the very point where he began .
4 ‘ The ideal milieu , ’ says the reply from the WCC , ‘ would be in a Third World country ( where ) the ‘ laboratory ’ for research lies at the very door-step of the academic institution .
5 The Coroner was in his early forties , a gaunt , greying man , with thick spectacles perched at the very end of his nose .
6 This duty which every partner owes to each of his co-partners lies at the very heart of the partnership relationship .
7 In fact , many Club guests choose to take the full trips package at the very start of their holiday , which means they know that certain nights out and meals are already catered for — and you 'll be amazed how much that can save you on the food and drinks bill .
8 Wealth generation and the creation of employment opportunities lie at the very heart of economic development .
9 Leicestershire lay at the very heart of open-field England .
10 Unfortunately , at that precise second , the makeshift platform gave way and Bobby disappeared at the very height of his rhetoric with the chairman , the union secretary , the workers ’ deputy and the four constables who by now had infiltrated the platform party .
11 The contorted peaks of the Torres del Paine rise at the very site of collision of two of the world 's largest plates — the South American and the Antarctican Plates .
12 Sanjurjo perished at the very outset when the plane taking him back to Spain from his Portuguese exile crashed on take-off .
13 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
14 To the Israelis , however , and to their supporters in the Jewish diaspora , the same question struck at the very morality of Zionism .
15 A feeling of failure lies at the very heart of Serb nationalism , and with that come all the various justifications for this failure : all the various Cominterns , masonries and their unbelievable plots .
16 Somehow or other that piece of parchment and the seed cake lie at the very heart of the murder and they must know something about both .
17 The band performed at the very peak of their live power and the volatile Scottish crowds responded accordingly .
18 His room lay at the very end of the corridor , beyond the locked doors of closets and bedrooms and attic steps .
19 Spotting the publisher delegates blanching at the very idea , he added , reassuringly : ‘ In the US the publishers price to cope with the secondhand market , and with discounting too .
20 In the back of the car , Henrietta and Samantha made exaggerated vomiting sounds at the very thought of it , and Jacqueline joined enthusiastically in the pantomime .
21 The fifth feature is the development of so-called ‘ parallel networks ’ , which cross-cut the formal or official organization of the state , and cause a concentration of powers to accumulate at the very top of the executive .
22 These changes strike at the very base of rugby union football as played for the last 100 years in that a player could play when , where and for whom providing that he paid his subscription before departing from his old club .
23 Signs that there had been loss of control appear at the very beginning of James 's reign when commissioners hearing private suits to the King were ordered not to give reversions to places of consequence .
24 Neglect of the educational needs of people starts at the very beginning .
25 When I raised it as Chairman at the General Management Committee , I was disgusted to find that people laughed at the very subject that was so important to women who 've come up here today to let us know the consequences of what was happening .
26 Catalysts lie at the very heart of the chemicals industry .
27 This unforeseen situation developed at the very time when local authorities were also facing the problems of reorganisation and of the introduction of structure planning .
28 Indeed it had and the Nonconformist minister stood at the very centre of the Nonconformist world we are discussing .
29 A similar problem arises at the very beginning of the Bible , in the creation stories .
30 One further return to Carolingian precedent occurred at the very end of Louis VII 's reign , when coinage from the king 's mints and bearing his image began to circulate outside the royal demesne for the first time since the late ninth century .
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