Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 A first class overview pitched at the correct level .
2 The difference between these tax bases arises at the practical level in that some things are more easily measured as a stock than as a flow , for example the value of a painting .
3 Drivers may normally have no memory at all for actions performed at the operational level , moreover , there is a suggestion that in some circumstances memory for actions and information at the tactical level may also be almost entirely absent .
4 I do not know how this can be avoided except perhaps by getting more things settled at the official level , and when they can not be settled there having the issues presented plainly to ministers .
5 I recommend that the funding continue at the present level , with an inflationary consideration — £5,954 .
6 This is not surprising , because although capitalists and socialists are usually reluctant to spell out their plans for global domination , Green politics are largely based on a straightforward conception of planet earth and what needs to de done at the global level to sustain human life on it .
7 It recycles this information according to the attractability of a specific energy pattern existing at the physical level when the conditions the conducive .
8 Decentralisation refers to three main features of central-local government relationships : the range of services for which local government authorities are responsible ; the degree of discretion that local government authorities have in providing these services and the degree to which local politicians and officials can make their voices heard in policy making at the national level .
9 Such coalitions exist at the municipal level in West Berlin and Frankfurt .
10 She must protect her markets , and thus any control lost at the national level must be reimposed at the European level .
11 Procedures for conciliation and mediation between the two sides of industry should be encouraged , and contractual relations established at the European level if it is deemed desirable .
12 The creation of needs depends on multi-layered structures and dynamics connecting individual characteristics of the consumer with processes operating at the societal level .
13 The purpose of the research project is to examine the effects of profit sharing at the microeconomic level .
14 The same forces operate at the national level ; in Italy , for example , agricultural policies have favoured large scale agriculture and further decreased the viability of non-intensive , small-scale producers who predominate in the south .
15 Although we know much about how genes work at the microscopic level , less is known about all the intermediate processes through which genes find expression in phenotypic characters at the macroscopic level of the whole animal .
16 This is particularly the case for a Conservative government aiming at privatisation and the reduction in controls , an ample supply of land for private development , and the retention of land-use planning at the local level .
17 More familiar than detailed critical self-reflection on the level of individual courses are the corporate processes of decision making at the institutional level .
18 Singer introduced International Relations to a vexed topic , familiar to other social sciences , to do with relating explanation couched at the systemic level ( the international system ) to explanation couched at the unit level ( nation states ) .
19 The UK experience since 1979 does not provide convincing evidence in support of the thesis that monetary policies determined at the national level and with disregard for policies in the country 's main economic partners can yield significant benefits .
20 Even if we can show that this mapping occurs , it is not a complete answer , since we then need a theory of how operations conducted at the neural level translate into behavioural subprocesses .
21 On June 6 the University of Zimbabwe authorities took action against students protesting at the high level of fees and demanding higher grants .
22 Certainly it will be disappointing if the number of deaths due to paracetamol overdosage continues at the current level , but it would be wise to recognise that in 1990 in England and Wales there were a further 1593 deaths due to overdosage of medicines other than paracetamol and that the prevention of such deaths should receive at least equal attention .
23 That distribution system fails at the bureaucratic level and in terms of the direct transport available .
24 The method of enquiry employed in much of the work within the comparative field proceeds at the empirical level and arrives at more general conclusions through a process of inductive reasoning , or more ad hoc interpretive insights .
25 The channels with which each of the tanks connect at the upper level , and into which they immerse at the lower , lie parallel to one another , but the entrances to each of the upper channels , against which the appropriate tank abuts , are the width of an entire plane apart .
26 Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed .
27 If the profit margins of manufacturers are too drastically reduced they may move their capital from the industrial to the financial sector ; if the political power of the unions is legislated against they may make their power felt at the economic level by going on strike , or at the political level by withdrawing from established parliamentary parties and so on .
28 Again , if the speaker 's lowest pitch is reached before the end of the tail , the pitch continues at the bottom level .
29 Three levels were in fact aimed at the professional level , the technician level , and the support ( ie accountants , lawyers , secretaries etc ) .
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