Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
2 It was developed specifically for the larger urban workshops and consists of an adjustable loom with a device which , by altering the tension on the warp strands , shifts the completed work to the rear of the loom , allowing the weaver to sit at the same level throughout the entire rug-making process .
3 To coach them better , to give them better opportunities , to give them better opportunities to play at a higher level , to be more competitive rather earlier in their lives .
4 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
5 When children add new words to a domain , they typically assume that the words apply at the same level , and so contrast .
6 Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism ?
7 Two general reviews of the field presented at an introductory level are Bally et al.
8 Most , perhaps all , functionalists are thorough-going materialists who believe that mental phenomena are genuine physical phenomena seen at a particular level of abstraction .
9 At the same time , there are other groups operating at the second level of influence on norms .
10 Where there are definite intuitions about which elements belong at a given level , we may speak of substantive levels .
11 The previous remarks have raised some questions about the relations between human norms and possible underlying dispositions determined at a biological level .
12 Police harassment and brutality towards the Black community in Tottenham continues at a shameful level .
13 The ad works at a subconscious level too .
14 It had been announced on Feb. 4 that food supplies in Russia stood at a critical level , with stocks about to run out within 20-40 days .
15 It is an opportunity to experience at a practical level the pleasures of creating a piece of work or joining and dance .
16 As Cixous suggests , the mode of knowledge as a politics of arrogation pivots at a theoretical level on the dialectic of the same and the other .
17 The institution of national investment planning would certainly require broad and determined popular support , but by nature it would depend on the formation of a socialist government and would give an important role to organisations operating at a national level .
18 This last was expressed in other words as willingness ‘ to see the ratio between profits and incomes preserved at a reasonable level by a tax which would become operative upon all industry when a certain figure was exceeded by profits as a whole ’ .
19 They said it meant the latter ; they said they were ‘ prepared to see the ratio between profits and incomes preserved at a reasonable level by a tax which would become operative upon all industry when a certain figure was exceeded by profits as a whole ’ .
20 Compulsory membership of a trade union , in force since 1936 with only a brief interlude , was to be abolished , and employers were to be released from their obligation to recognize or negotiate with unions or to be bound by pay awards negotiated at a national level .
21 This level of examination goes beyond the groundwork laid at the First Level by testing more complex writing and understanding , and giving candidates a range of choice , not only of questions that will do them most credit , but of answers that will best suit the circumstances described .
22 This level of examination goes beyond the groundwork laid at the First Level by testing more complex writing and understanding .
23 A first class overview pitched at the correct level .
24 They are synergistic , which means they rely on each other in order to keep the body functioning at an optimum level .
25 In principle , it would be quite possible to argue that this sense of obligation had weakened , even if the actual volume of support between kin remained at a substantial level , because more people are now in a situation where they need support , and because the economic circumstances of the majority of the population ( by comparison with a century earlier ) are much easier .
26 The difference between these tax bases arises at the practical level in that some things are more easily measured as a stock than as a flow , for example the value of a painting .
27 Supported by WACC , MAP Internacional is one of the few Protestant organisations working at a regional level on health issues .
28 were in effect suggesting that the inner psychological motivations for racism existed at a deeper level of social reality than the socially shared norms of tolerance .
29 As a result , genes underwriting the avoidance of incest remain at a high level in the population .
30 The incumbent 's output starts at a high level and gradually declines , whilst the entrants ' output starts low and gradually increases the more it discovers about the market .
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