Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] be [verb] [art] previous " in BNC.

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1 I read a short news item in which it was announced that Justine had been hanged the previous Saturday , the 24th , after several postponements of the event .
2 Yassir Arafat and Kemal Jumblatt had been summoned the previous winter to Damascus , where they told Assad that they were winning the war and wished to move all the way into the Christian heartland .
3 But in general , discounting was this year considered of less significance than the proliferation of bargain bookshops , whose advent had been heralded the previous year but whose growth in numbers has evidently continued since .
4 It announced on July 15 that an attempted coup had been foiled the previous night .
5 His tattoo had been done the previous winter by a Chinese man in Harlesden , who specialized in non-fade colours , fluorescents and airbrush fantasy .
6 The demonstrations came temporarily to an end after a personal appeal by Gorbachev on 26 February , but a report that two Azerbaijanis had been killed the previous week led to an anti-Armenian riot on 28–29 February in the oil town of Sumgait in which 32 people were killed and 197 were injured , including more than 100 police officers .
7 Rioting erupted in the Gaza Strip on Nov. 3 as news spread that a Palestinian detainee had been killed the previous day by soldiers .
8 Keeling had been arrested the previous day and put on a flight to London .
9 Associated Press reported on Nov. 29 that only 100 people had accepted the amnesty offer , while 150 more people had been arrested the previous week , adding to thousands of FIS supporters detained without trial .
10 United have not given up hope of signing the England international despite having a formally faxed £3.5 million offer for the striker thrown in the bin by Sheffield Wednesday last Friday , after a verbal offer had been refused the previous week .
11 At the other extreme of the street , Mr Patel was able to confirm that a man had been working the previous day , and that morning , on the Ford Capri that was still there , still with the bonnet raised , still with a plastic bag on the battery .
12 The operation had been planned the previous day after close liaison with the local RUC Headquarters , and was to include a detailed search of the area using dogs and helicopters .
13 On arrival , however , Sir John French heard that Lanrezac 's Fifth Army had been attacked the previous day and was no longer able to cross the River Sambre .
14 The hat and coat had been delivered the previous evening by an officer of the Kha-Khan 's guard , and since the news of Jehana 's betrothal had been spread through the court hours earlier it had to be assumed that Artai had heard of it , and that either he was inclined to forgive the offence which might be supposed to exist , or else he was pretending that he was aware of none .
15 He and his wife had been involved in offering support and assistance to the family whose eight children had been removed the previous November .
16 As Bob Merryfield was having his dram Charlie broached the subject of rabbits and Parkinson said he could have a pair , as a number had been shot the previous day .
17 Vonadk , the Khmer Rouge clandestine radio , reported on Jan. 6 that an offensive had been launched the previous day against the key north-western provincial capital of Battambang .
18 The CNAA conference on School Experience and the Assessment of Teaching had been held the previous month .
19 Nine others had been arrested the previous day , he added , " following a search operation by the army " in which one soldier had been killed and two wounded .
20 His village was at the upper end of the valley in which the woman of Lohali had been killed the previous week , and he told me that nothing had been heard of the man-eater since , and added that the animal was possibly now at the other end of the district .
21 Izvestiya of July 28 reported that a peace agreement had been signed the previous day after two days of talks by representatives of the political parties , the official leadership , religious leaders and security service representatives .
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