Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] itself into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At a symbolic rally , held on May 23 in the capital San Salvador , the FMLN transformed itself into a political party .
2 Away from the island the wind converted itself into a westerly and we were surfing at ten knots even with two slabs in the main and the genoa furled to almost nothing .
3 With that strength of support coming from far and near , the South Ronaldsay Parents Action Committee launched itself into the mammoth task it faced .
4 This is essentially a roving , stultifying , incoherent orgy of images that leads Taniguchi 's body to transform itself into a mechanical colossus .
5 As well as updating its RISC System/6000 series with new machines designed specifically for commercial , technical and parallel computing markets ( UX No 420 ) , the company last week pitched itself into the thick of the Unix workstation price war with the introduction of a sub-$4,000 offering .
6 As the socialists moved increasingly left of the republic , splitting the coalition government , the right gained support reorganising itself into a united opposition to the republic under the umbrella of the C.E.D.A. The right wing capitalised on the Catholic reaction against republican anticlericalism in order to gain power .
7 The truth is that the social sciences reflected the pre-conceptions and problems of bourgeois liberalism in its classic form , which was not found in Germany , where bourgeois society inserted itself into the Bismarckian framework of aristocrats and bureaucrats .
8 And while the Roman Church organised itself into an elaborate chequerboard of dioceses or bishoprics , presided over by bishops and archbishops , the monastic system in Egypt allowed for a much looser , much more flexible development — as well as for greater emphasis on learning .
9 When Goethe , in a scene of Faust I written in Rome , evokes the travail of modern man and shows it being assuaged by the contemplation of the " silver figures of the ancient world " ( der Vorwelt silberne Gestalten ) these shapes are the ideal models of Greek man which Winckelmann had set up in his historico-aesthetic studies ; and when , in his " classical " drama Iphigenia in Tauris , Goethe 's fervent heroine is eventually victorious and the play resolves itself into a serene and harmonious close , it is the spirit of Winckelmann that triumphs .
10 In 1896 the fourth Congress resolved itself into the first National Council with a permanent staff and offices , at first in Birmingham and then in the Congregationalists ' London headquarters , Memorial Hall .
11 Rosa 's insides turned over , all her carefully fostered haughtiness resolved itself into a small sweat on her upper lip and a moistness in her palms .
12 The snow was falling thickly and poured past the window in blizzard proportions as the plane hurled itself into the Arctic night .
13 Unable to breakout of the academic circuit in the UK , the US arm manoeuvred itself into the military market , mopping up defence supercomputing contracts .
14 Even through his distress , Francis Morgan was obviously struck by Catherine Crane 's looks and as the party distributed itself into the big Land Rover he managed to sit next to her .
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