Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] nothing [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The decision has nothing to do with the merits of the case which Her Majesty 's Government will defend in due course .
2 To reflect society can only mean comedy , in such a world , if a work is to convince as any sort of mirror , and the preference of other nations for melodrama and the bleeding heart has nothing to do with the habitual temper of British life .
3 Gregory has nothing to say about the Thuringians in Clovis 's reign .
4 This figure of £1 has nothing to do with the market value of the share , but is the legal benchmark for the determination of individual liability .
5 But what aroused resentment from people in the film industry had nothing to do with the merits of these films , which critic Raymond Durgnat reasonably characterized as ‘ sub-Ealing comedies so timid as to be positively ingratiating , ’ nor the production programme 's lack of profitability .
6 Dorothy Sayers , discussing the literary tastes of one of her characters , the Russian exile Paul Alexis , said of the Ruritanian type of story that ‘ the greater European powers of the League of Nations had nothing to do with the matter ’ :
7 Mr David Irving and other historians who question the scale of crime and the methods have nothing to do with the British National Party .
8 The KGB Collegium issued a statement on Aug. 22 : " The staff of the KGB have nothing to do with the unlawful acts of the group of adventurists . "
9 " My little boy has nothing to wear for the cold weather . "
10 The first important modern paintings sale of the year held by Guy Loudmer on 16 February contained nothing to compare with the outstanding works featured in his sales during the height of the speculative boom two or three years ago .
11 I earnestly hope that Erdinger Weissbräu does nothing to interfere with the Stiftungs products , by either culling the wheat beers or ‘ cleaning up ’ their palates .
12 I do not want to suggest that Stalin had nothing to do with the origins of the cold war .
13 He tells me the ruins have nothing to do with the Incas , that they were built after the Incas were here .
14 The Philistines have nothing to do with the Arabs , a Semitic people , who invaded the Holy Land from Arabia in the seventh century .
15 ‘ The entire concept of artistic licence and innovation , on which we put such a high premium these days has nothing to do with the way much early Northern painting was created .
16 The difference has nothing to do with the presence or absence of powerchords .
17 The community charge or poll tax has nothing to do with the arrangements for financing local government .
18 It was Gill 's opinion , not shared by everybody , that ‘ the distinction has nothing to do with the use of machinery or with questions of the artistic quality of the product ’ .
19 The quotation has nothing to do with the coming of the Messiah but refers to the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel by Assyria in 721 BC .
20 While Babcock Thorn yesterday emphasised its jobs announcement had nothing to do with the Trident issue , the losses will clearly increase the pressure on ministers to award it the nuclear submarine work .
21 Certainly her main reason for accepting the post had nothing to do with the actual work involved , but the hope that closer acquaintance with him might throw some light on Elise 's baffling death .
22 He declared that the economic and political crisis had nothing to do with the " war of laws " with the republics [ see above ; pp. 37862-63 ] , commenting : " Republican governments refuse to work in blind obedience , but the central government has failed to see this , and by inertia it has pursued its policy of diktat . "
23 It stressed that it accepted that Black had nothing to do with the stolen goods or weapons found at the cottage .
24 He knew that the embarrassment had nothing to do with the fear that he would question , criticize , move like a spy among them .
25 The result might have been different if there had been a notice attached to the goods making it clear that these goods had nothing to do with the defendant 's business as a dealer in second-hand goods but had come from his home and that the sale of the goods was to be a private transaction .
26 Since Hilton is at pains to show that true contemplation had nothing to do with the emotions and clearly disapproves of Rolle 's spirituality , the term seems puzzling .
27 He says the relationship between GM and Lotus had nothing to do with the Elan 's failure .
28 However , further analysis of the data indicated that the relationship had nothing to do with the individuals ' talent , as judged by expert rating of their contributions to contemporary art .
29 But these abuses and reforms have nothing to do with the order made by Buckley J. in the present proceedings .
30 Scientists take their side in the battle for reasons having nothing to do with the merits or lack of them of the issues but rather because of their politics .
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