Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] been [verb] a special " in BNC.

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1 The New Forest has been designated a Special Protection Area ( SPA ) for birds by the UK government , making it the 38th site in the UK so designated under the EC wild birds directive .
2 This effect has been given a special significance in the writings of E.P .
3 While publishing Dawson on ‘ Religion and the Totalitarian State ’ , he selected for notice in the 1934 Criterion a book highlighting persecution of European Jews ; he wrote to Pound speaking of his offence at Pound 's antisemitic remarks ; with regard to the Vichy government in 1941 he wrote in The Christian News-Letter of his ‘ greatest anxiety ’ at news ‘ that ‘ Jews have been given a special status , based on the laws of Nuremberg , which makes their condition little better than that of bondsmen . ’
4 Reagan 's suite had been given a special phone number for the occasion , but the postmistress did n't believe in such nonsense .
5 The hills around the city are held by Serbian forces , and the Hercules have been using a special steep landing technique , to keep them out of range of the rebel guns until the very last minute .
6 It was announced on Dec. 18 that former Foreign Minister Acheikh bin Oumar had been made a special councillor to Déby .
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