Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] the [adj] conclusion " in BNC.

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1 The references to professors and their books led to the predictable conclusion : ‘ On the Black issue our verdict is based on the facts , we have judged the case on the evidence , fairly , and come to the only just conclusions . ’
2 A pair of researchers arrived at the extraordinary conclusion that fusion of deuterons could be achieved without the application of massive external energy , which had previously been thought to be an indispensable condition .
3 My own personal experience leads to the same conclusion as on the rotation issue .
4 Nelson argues that the failure of other reviewers to come to the same conclusion was because they used vague definitions of depression and failed to take into account the severity of the disorder .
5 It also adds to the objectivity of research if information gathered from several independent sources points to the same conclusion .
6 In my judgment , both Potts J. and Phillips J. came to the right conclusions for the right reasons .
7 At that precise moment , Delaney came to the same conclusion as Nell .
8 Both the vet and the keeper came to the same conclusion — that Sam had eaten something that did n't agree with him , as he had n't eaten much of his food from the day before .
9 All these techniques lead to the same conclusion .
10 Darwin and Wallace came to the same conclusion about archipelago birds .
11 Therefore in the present case the justices came to the correct conclusion .
12 Bukharin arrived at the following conclusion :
13 Modelling leads to the startling conclusion that melts may have been stored for as long as 300,000–500,000 years before eruption .
14 When letters were stolen from the Princess Royal in April , Miss Joyce was questioned by police and some newspapers jumped to the wrong conclusion that she was responsible .
15 From such a course of imaginative practicals Heisenberg emerged with the triumphant conclusion that his uncertainty principle was a consistent epistemological consequence of quantum theory .
16 Secretan arrived at the same conclusion : ‘ It is scarcely to be wondered at that youthful craving for variety and excitement sometimes leads gangs of boys to try and put a little colour into their leisure hours in ways which lead to conflict with authority or to degradation of character .
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