Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [art] further [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By this device control may be retained by a small proportion of the equity leading to a further rift between ownership and control .
2 A German colony from 1884 , the territory came under South African rule in 1915 , and in 1920 a League of Nations mandate provided for a further period of South African administration .
3 The Me109s swept away out to sea and made no attempt to turn for a further attack .
4 The Governing Body has decided that the income from this fund , which is used according to the By-Law to provide Edith Haynes Scholarships for either undergraduates or graduates of the College at the discretion of the Governing Body , will for the present be available to make grants in the first instance to mature graduates of the College who wish to continue or resume academic work , and are ineligible for State Studentships , or similar public support , by reason of age or inability to meet the requirement of residence in the U. K. Should no such applicant come forward , graduates of another university who are or have been members of the College reading for a further degree will be considered eligible .
5 First , to identify the contributory factors of success in the use of Strategic Decision Support Systems in order to provide research data to assist in the further development of such systems .
6 Yesterday , the Rev John Russell , the committee 's chairman , said that with a slump in the number of parish ministers from 2,750 in 1929 to 1,259 in 1991 , there was no slack left for a further reduction in parish work .
7 In the continuing civil war a series of incidents reported on April 10 coincided with the presence of a delegation of Buddhist monks in the northern Tamil-held town of Jaffna , and effectively underlined the lack of prospects for a Buddhist government-backed " peace initiative " ( which the LTTE rejected after a further round of talks on April 24 ) .
8 After 6 washes in PBS , the third layer HRP-conjugated rabbit anti-goat antibody ( Sigma ) was added , the plates incubated for a further hour at RT , washed 6 in PBS and the reaction developed with ABTS ( 2'2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazolone)sulphonic acid ) .
9 This lack of vocabulary acts as a further barrier to discussing code switching in any detail with linguistically naive members of the community .
10 The maintenance contract is likely to increase to £5,000 p.a. by the end of 1993/94 , with additional repair costs on non-maintained equipment running at a further £3,000 p.a. ( average 15 repairs ) in the same period .
11 A few weeks later the boy complained of a further assault ; the tailor was again convicted and once more fined £5 , but on this occasion the clerk to the Board applied successfully to the magistrates for the boy to be discharged from his indentures .
12 The recognition that a text may set up its own secondary norms leads to a further conclusion , that features of language within that text may depart from the norms of the text itself : that is , they may " stand out " against the background of what the text has led us to expect .
13 The story ends with a further comment on the growth of Jesus .
14 In what many observers regarded as a further example of the new censorship , Gosteleradio on Feb. 1 withdrew from Radio Russia two frequencies giving it an audience throughout the Soviet Union , and assigned to it instead a frequency on which it could reach only 60 per cent of the population and which reduced the quality of reception .
15 This was accepted ; but Ramsay argued against a further proposal , namely that a new and more senior Governor be appointed to supersede Seton , with added authority .
16 The issue identifier acts as a further reference to the product and must be used by the client in references to Software Performance Reports and marketing support .
17 An action for breach of confidence acts as a further incentive to prevent the company or an individual on his own account from breaching Chinese Walls .
18 Later in the same chapter , at the point of death , Dickens breaks into a further kind of rhetoric , the declamatory rhetoric he reserves for moments of high drama : [ 5 ] The golden ripple on the wall came back again , and nothing else stirred in the room ( 1 ) .
19 The increase in yield and a slight fall in cake costs resulted in a further increase of £5 a cow in MOPF .
20 The second stage of training is the Solicitors Final Examination taken after a further year of study at one of the professional schools .
21 Emulex Corp , Costa Mesa , California will be taking a charge against its third quarter figures for the period to March 28 that could result in a loss for the period : operating profit will be lower than the $2.6m reported in the second quarter because of lower revenues in the Network Systems Division ; the unspecified restructuring charge stems both from costs associated with the further consolidation of manufacturing operations to Puerto Rico from Costa Mesa , and from some lay-offs in the sales administration sector ; the charge will be less than $1.0m .
22 Evidence to support this conclusion comes from a further set of studies by Honey and Hall ( 1989b ) , who examined the effects of compound pre-exposure in the conditioned suppression paradigm using two auditory stimuli , a tone and a click .
23 Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for a further 20min , then brush with melted butter and place in the oven .
24 She also said that the Department would re-investigate the situation if evidence arose of a further outbreak of the gizzard worm infection .
25 When Glen Baxter came for a signing session , we sold 80 copies of his book — a modest number perhaps for a shop of this size , but sales of his ‘ spin-off ’ goods amounted to a further 40% of the shop 's turnover that day and brought us some 16% over our sales target for that week .
26 I do not see any relevant distinction between the provision of a structural survey at the request of a borrower applying for a further advance and the provision of a house buyers ' report in the same circumstances .
27 In 1973 , during Brezhnev 's visit to the United States , an agreement on the prevention of nuclear war was signed together with a set of basic principles relating to the further limitation of strategic nuclear weapons ; and in November 1974 Brezhnev and Nixon 's successor , Gerald Ford , signed a series of related agreements at Vladivostok .
28 One reason why farm workers ' wages remain so comparatively low is that the demand for labour within agriculture has been declining as a result of mechanization-Indeed , the prospect of more expensive labour has often been sufficient to stimulate farmers to engage in a further round of mechanization so that both the supply and the demand for labour have chased each other down in an ever-decreasing spiral .
29 Plant owners AEA Technology say the process has found measuring inaccuracies accounting for a further 1.2kg .
30 Reward believes more recent figures point to a further fall in the rate of increases .
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