Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adj] support for the " in BNC.

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1 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
2 Requests all states to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken in pursuance of paragraph 2 of this resolution ;
3 President Franois Mitterrand voiced strong support for the idea after his meeting with President Gorbachev in Kiev on Wednesday .
4 President Franois Mitterrand voiced strong support for the idea after his meeting with President Gorbachev in Kiev on Wednesday .
5 The visit in April by French President Mitterrand confirmed French support for the new government .
6 ‘ Changes could create a vacuum by setting up new authorities with no educational experience or tradition precisely at the time schools need maximum support for the introduction of their new management systems , ’ said the SPTC report .
7 These Six Articles affirmed royal support for the central Catholic doctrines of transubstantiation , communion in one kind for the laity , clerical celibacy , the inviolability of priestly vows of chastity , the validity of private masses , and the necessity of private auricular confession .
8 As my hon. Friend said , the referendum in Ukraine showed overwhelming support for the independence of Ukraine .
9 This grant from the Macro-Economic Modelling Consortium provides continuing support for the macroeconomic research undertaken at London Business School 's Centre for Economic Forecasting .
10 This openness also showed that in relation to science the consultative process revealed massive support for the working party 's view on the time to be devoted to science and on the position of balanced science but that the Council , with some reluctance , made recommendations in accordance with the Secretary of State 's different view .
11 Both Darlington and Durham councils claim the consultation process showed broad support for the plan .
12 The crackdown provoked an international outcry , although this was greatly tempered by Western recognition of the need to maintain Soviet support for the campaign against Iraq in the Gulf war [ see pp. 37934-43 ] .
13 These more co-operative instincts have led China in recent years to end military support for the Khmers Rouges in Cambodia , to patch up relations with India and extend a firmer hand of reconciliation to Taiwan ( see page 75 ) .
14 The first set of surveys revealed considerable support for the main principles of the reforms : 85 per cent of DGMs described their general attitude to the NHS and Community Care Act as " mostly approve with some reservations " and 6 per cent had no reservations at all ; 87 per cent agreed with the separation of purchasing from provision ; 88 per cent considered the reforms would make the NHS more business-like and that this was a good thing .
15 Findings from these few studies provide tentative support for the conclusion that there is no inevitable drift towards conservative social and political attitudes with ageing , nor is ageing necessarily associated with attitudinal rigidity or inflexibility . ’
16 We have described the properties of brightness and pattern masking in order to be able to show how studies of letter and word recognition in backward masking experiments provide strong support for the model shown in Figure 11 .
17 The Union of Railwaymen brought the railways to a halt , the liberal Union of Unions and leading liberal figures proclaimed full support for the strikes , and many employers showed sympathy by lenient treatment of striking workers .
18 The new Union of Railwaymen brought the railways to a halt , a liberal Union of Unions and leading liberal figures proclaimed full support for the strikes , and many employers showed sympathy by lenient treatment of striking workers .
19 These figures give strong support for the view that the RDLS measures a child 's increasing control of language for cognitive functions , but there is little evidence of the test 's ability to identify specific areas of language functioning or its sensitivity to changes in a child 's command of specific language forms or other language functions .
20 At some level of expenditure it presumably becomes inequitable for a disabled person to expect public support for the more expensive domiciliary care if this means depriving someone else of care of any sort .
21 ( 1991 , Experiment 3 ) , however , all simply had subjects watch slides without any particular task being specified , none of these studies showed clear support for the hypothesis .
22 She undertook an assignment to enlist Tsarist support for the Boulangists and then travelled to Ireland .
23 Some South African Dutch reformed theologians claim Scriptural support for the outrageous assertion that blacks are an inferior race of people .
24 The private foundation fostered wide support for the project by sprinkling money over lots of Japanese manufacturers .
25 I warmly welcome my right hon. Friend 's commitment to continue financial support for the less-favoured areas in general and the hill livestock compensatory allowances in particular , where there are fewest opportunities for diversification .
26 Unlike Bedfordshire , there was no commitment by the LEA to provide financial support for the scheme when it was proposed in 1930 .
27 Hitherto , the Frelimo president was also President of the Republic ; the proposed change followed discussions at the fifth Frelimo congress in July 1989 , which centred on ways to broaden popular support for the party and strengthen national unity [ see p. 36804 ] .
28 In 1981 a report to the European Parliament by P. de Keersmaeker of the European Commission expressed wholehearted support for the principle of a fixed link , and in the same year reports based on consultations with the Council of Europe 's Conference of Local and Regional Authorities came to a similar conclusion both about the fixed link and other gaps in the European network of trunk communications .
29 The results with quail provide direct support for the discrepancy hypothesis as applied to sexual preferences and indirect support for the notion of optimal outbreeding .
30 Loris-Melikov continued to press significant innovations to strengthen public support for the government .
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