Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adj] signs [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
2 Maisie showed worrying signs of interest in feminism .
3 With the ground shifting beneath both ‘ imperial greatness ’ and unproblematic prosperity the Tories ' electoral bloc showed increasing signs of weakness .
4 The two men started to dig down among the scattered bones to find other signs of interest .
5 We have seen how structuralism showed increasing signs of unease concerning the nature of discourse about literature , and we noted the solution proposed by Barthes , namely that discourse about literature should take the form of the discourse of literature .
6 It is vital that you retain your dominance over your dog , and this dog shows clear signs of submissiveness .
7 With the consequence of the Falklands still exerting its potency , the economy showing distinct signs of recuperation , and inflation falling fast , Mrs Thatcher had been able to call an early election .
8 Not until the spring and summer of 1989 when , for the first time , the Thatcher government showed clear signs of frailty , with electoral defeats , economic difficulties , and internal acrimony which recalled the later years of Macmillan 's government in the early 1960s , did the critics begin to regain their confidence .
9 Rosalind Plowright , singing at ENO for the first time in eight years , is an Elisabeth de Valois of aptly regal appearance , though her initially expressive line showed increasing signs of strain .
10 The survey by accountants Price Waterhouse and Manchester Business School says definite signs of recovery include a greater degree of confidence in sales growth , and a rise in companies planning to increase capital expenditure .
11 She mules show behavioural signs of ovulation at irregular intervals , and one can find egg follicles and corpora lutea , the bodies formed after the follicle has ruptured to release the egg , in a she-mule 's ovaries .
12 When the piles were examined it was found that the bones of condemned men were also placed here , some of the skulls showing clear signs of decapitation .
13 Contrary to this general trend , the U.S. market showed solid signs of recovery with an overall sales gain of 9 per cent , within which Johnson Brothers was up a robust 22 per cent .
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