Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] a [adj] speed " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
2 At first people thought that particles of light traveled infinitely fast , so gravity would not have been able to slow them down , but the discovery by Roemer that light travels at a finite speed meant that gravity might have an important effect .
3 Also , the film lost one Val and its pilot in a dive-bombing accident when the aircraft went into a high speed stall and crashed into a sugar cane field .
4 Police believe the two cars collided at a closing speed approaching a hundred miles an hour .
5 compatibility with existing phonographs did not matter , because dictation cylinders rotated at a different speed anyway .
6 These devices hit the headlines a few years back when two cars in the United States collided at a closing speed of some 70 miles per hour .
7 Because the gas turbine operates at a constant speed of 90,000rpm , it is very efficient so that fuel consumption and emissions are low .
8 ‘ These drills run at a tremendous speed , ’ the father said , ‘ so when I switch on the drill the mileage numbers on the speedo spin backwards at a fantastic rate .
9 The 435 features 5,000 gates , has eight PAL33V16 logic blocks controlled by a high speed central switch matrix , 128 synchronous or asynchronous configurable macrocells and 15ns pin to pin delays .
10 Alan beat 35 other boats to win in an average speed of 55 miles an hour …
11 The disc revolves at a constant speed , holds 54,000 frames per side , and offers about thirty minutes of straight playing time on each side .
12 So I feel a terrific relief and release that in the latter part of my business life I 've been really able to make things happen at a considerable speed .
13 Dene Stallard from Cheltenham is another Formula one racer with scars to show for a high speed crash right here at Chalon …
14 Rheinschild finished with an average speed of 398.881 , 20mph faster the Dean Cutter Cutshall in P-51D Cutter 's Capers .
15 Therefore it is hypothesized that , rather than evolving at a constant speed in calendar time , futures prices evolve at a constant speed in event time .
16 In planning terms the scheme was understaffed and the whole operation conducted at a headlong speed rendered necessary by the short perspective and the uncertainty of UNICEF funding .
17 And if you work on that presumption , and I 'm not suggesting you creep around frightened of your own shadow going at a slow speed , just wor working with deliberation and making sure you move through the situation competently , but do n't take anything for granted .
18 The plane flying at a constant speed takes five seconds to go one thousand five hundred miles what
19 Since the lift generated depends on the ratio of two flow patterns ( created by the cylinder 's rotation and the wind acting on the cylinder ) a sudden increase in wind speed while the rotors turn at a constant speed reduces the lift in proportion .
20 In Kepler 's construction of the solar system , each planet had its own melodic line associated with a changing speed that increased as it approached its closest point to the sun .
21 They need perhaps ten times as much computational power as a 3D system to work at a similar speed .
22 There are certain characteristics peculiar to the use of machines in language teaching : Listening To develop the ability to understand the language spoken at a normal speed .
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