Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The storm builds to a particular intensity .
2 Disputes under them are to be referred to arbitration , where contracts made on a particular exchange are in issue , and otherwise to the English courts .
3 In other words , not for the first time , it was the estate policies pursued by a particular landowner which produced the northern village plans .
4 And its advantage lies in the particular enzyme by which it is transcribed into RNA .
5 Inability to work in a particular job or profession or for a particular employer is insufficient .
6 ( 4 ) Rigby Electronics ( Harvard OTC ) " They 've just brought out a device for checking whether a credit card belongs to a particular person or not .
7 I was also concerned at this time that if an aircraft registered in a particular State crashed in the sea outside territorial waters , it was open to anyone to salvage it .
8 The number of states into which a term splits in a particular field is determined by group theory , but that is only the start of the problem ; determining the relative energies is difficult .
9 One day Victoria made herself a pair of earrings out of porcelain to go with a particular dress , and they turned out to be the start of a new part-time career .
10 Critical Path Analysis is a computer programme into which variables relating to a particular project are fed .
11 If there are special risks relating to a particular transaction which are not brought out in the Risk Warning Notice , these must be specifically disclosed .
12 Dividends can be used to influence the class of shareholder attracted to a particular firm .
13 The document produces a revenue account with standard headings which it expects will be adopted by most divisions of service , although it recognizes that the detail heads adopted by a particular division will be different .
14 The police have an interest in the investigation of a sex crime developing in a particular way .
15 ‘ The mere fact that more than a thousand police officers know that their conduct is under investigation can , it seems to us , in no sense diminish the prejudice suffered by a particular officer against whom there was a prima facie case of the commission of a criminal offence at a very early stage of that investigation . ’
16 Just how small the signals must be for the Z and h-parameter equations to apply with constant sets of parameters depends on the particular case .
17 In this respect , voluntary codes of practice applied in a particular trade are highly relevant .
18 Therefore , the degree to which official statistics underestimate the actual level of crime depends on the particular category of crime .
19 Or you can ask them to find how many words begin with a particular group of letters : chro- ; mini ; gn- .
20 This religion concentrates upon a particular person , Jesus of Nazareth , but in its definition of God it describes the divine being as a Trinity — that is to say three persons .
21 For example , a teacher may wish to have a list of books used in a particular project .
22 The chapter concentrates upon a particular moment in the story of British fascism , when this ideological tradition seemed to be taking a new turn .
23 The inheritance of acquired characters explained these trends as a consequence of the animals specializing for a particular way of life chosen by their ancestors .
24 A CONCORDANCE , as we have said , is a list of all the words used by a particular author , with an indication of where those words are used .
25 The examination of all the images produced during a particular period or of a selection of images over a longer period will often provide a good idea of how the relevant state or regime wished to represent itself .
26 In America this is an open attempt to put across a particular view to Members of Congress .
27 The type of industry concentrated in a particular region affected the development of towns and cities in that area .
28 Our principle concern in this section of the chapter will be factors which affect the kind of syntactic form which speakers use on a particular occasion .
29 Consumers can not individually discover the safety risks associated with a particular good .
30 If for Hegel historical time is the reflection in time of the essence of the historical totality , for Althusser it is a function of the structure of the totality arising from a particular mode of production .
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