Example sentences of "[noun] [unc] need [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Enticing marriage with no promises : Neil Wilson on sport 's need to balance the benefits and blights of TV exposure
2 But in Felicity 's case , she was not impelled by the plain girl 's need to take the initiative , but by youthful enthusiasm and social immaturity .
3 A rival interpretation points to the limits operating on any Prime Minister — for example , constraints of time , the greater departmental resources available to other Cabinet Ministers , and the premier 's need to keep the Cabinet together , conciliate rivals , and manage the political party in parliament .
4 She had the psychotic 's need to discharge the contents of the over-charged brain , and she notes how often she was ill when she was unable to dictate , and how much relieved , and physically improved she felt when she could .
5 This , and the other Institute committees ' need to obtain the TAC 's view as early as possible , puts considerable pressure on DTACs , which may have as little as six weeks to arrange meetings , discuss the issues raised and submit their written responses to the TAC at Moorgate Place .
6 The revival of small-scale farmhouses cheeses and the subsequent interest in these individual products has been brought about partly by the farmers ' need to cut the amount of milk that they send to the Milk Marketing Board and partly by the public 's demand for ‘ real ’ cheeses with traditional texture and flavour .
7 IN HIS INAUGURAL address on January 20 , 1989 , George Bush spoke about America 's need to put the Vietnam War in its place ; in history ; in the past .
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