Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] try [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The scientist should try to prove the hypothesis wrong .
2 The only job vacancies in Angleside are for interviewers in the Social Security office , where the furniture is screwed to the floor in case the clients should try to assault the interviewers with it .
3 The mind must try to lull the body into the automatic response that has been instilled during practice .
4 If the new institutions of the state and government are weak , it is not surprising that those in command should try to prevent the press from undermining public confidence in them .
5 Apparently fearing that an increasingly angry president might try to disband the legislature , deputies also voted to continue their session into a fourth day today , ‘ to watch attentively that the executive observes the constitution ’ , in the words of the parliamentary chairman , Ruslan Khasbulatov .
6 And today Robin Cook pledged that Labour would try to fund the post out of an extra £1 billion it says it will spend on the NHS .
7 We were watching in case the Tans would try to infiltrate the lakes at night .
8 A painful mouth will never be a responsive one and it is hardly surprising that the horse will try to evade the bit .
9 There , representatives of British manufacturers will try to overturn the government 's commitment , made only last month , to put the onus on the car firms to produce vehicles that could run on low octane petrol by 1990 at the latest .
10 This chapter will try to explain the motives behind these trends , and why the federalists are to be taken seriously .
11 In such cases the witness can try to identify the voice , but the best evidence is an admission by the offender that he was the caller .
12 It was ‘ more than likely ’ that the Khmers Rouges would try to disrupt the voting that begins on May 23rd , perhaps by mining the approaches to polling stations , or even by shelling the stations .
13 ‘ God knows , in this weather only a fool would try to flee the city limits , and both the description and the reward have been circulated . ’
14 Helicopters would try to airlift the bodies out today , RCN and Caracol radio networks said .
15 This game is similar to games you would buy for 2–6 year olds that had Zoo animals cut out of the board with little pins on them , The child would try to fit the animal back into the right shape .
16 The West believed , in any case , that Russia would try to exploit the process of German reunification to install a Communist government over the whole country .
17 Mach will try to keep the deal with us secret from the T'ang , and vice versa .
18 It is unclear whether FRISC Inc sold anything or even attempted to , or whether Micron will try to peddle the technology to someone else .
19 I believe that she may be the focal point through which the Ancient Adversary will try to thwart the designs of the Dark Ones . ’
20 Therefore , the argument goes , governments should try to manage the rationalisation by making it easier for companies to co-operate across borders .
21 The seller informed the buyer in writing that , if he did not pay the balance by a given date , the seller would try to re-sell the cars .
22 There remained a faint possibility that Newley would try to identify the person who collected the money .
23 But Chancellor Norman Lamont may try to soften the blow with a cut in interest rates .
24 Such tenants should try to persuade the landlord to refrain from opting , for example , by pointing out that the option is irrevocable and often cuts the capital value of the site by restricting the potential group of tenants .
25 Martin Sinnatt , Club Secretary of the Kennel Club , explained that they object to this on the grounds of potential cruelty — not because indelibly marking a dog would hurt , but because they fear unscrupulous owners would try to remove the mark before dumping an unwanted pet .
26 This would make it harder for me to make changes ; and it would have implications for the responsibilities of Departmental Ministers since Select Committees would try to summon the Chairman of Cabinet Committees to give evidence in addition to the responsible Minister .
27 The court will try to prevent the tenant from cheating the landlord out of his share of the rental income ( Freehold & Leasehold Shop Properties Ltd v Friends Provident Life Office ( 1984 ) 271 EG 451 per Griffiths LJ ) .
28 So many firms will try to raise the money earlier , to avoid the rush hour .
29 If Britain chose a rate significantly above or below , currency market pressures could try to push the pound into line .
30 You bastards would try to bug the suitcase .
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