Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [verb] the [adj] effect " in BNC.

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1 Flat braid usually looks better if hand-sewn as lines of machine sewing may spoil the finished effect .
2 There are of course some deliberately emphasized exceptions : destitution , like that depicted in Alton Locke and Mary Barton , precludes decency ; moral turpitude may have the same effect , as in the case of Mrs Brown in Dombey and Son — ‘ In an ugly and dark room , an old woman , ugly and dark too ’ .
3 Nevertheless , an inacurrate plan that prevails over the verbal description may have the same effect as a verbal misdescription .
4 It could be argued that selective forgetting of parasitic traces may have the opposite effect , on the memory system as a whole , of simply losing memories .
5 Law : A bad system for tackling hackers : Proposals to curb computer crime may have the opposite effect , argues Mary Fagan
6 It is a pilot project in that , if the method produces sound estimates of the effect of planning controls on land values , further research could establish the total effect for the whole country and estimate the consequences of that for the economy .
7 The party leadership in Scotland has dismissed that on the grounds that those MPs who are associated with Scotland United represent constituencies where action against the carrying of knives would have the greatest effect .
8 In the Criminal Justice Act 1991 , it was made clear that whatever penalty is imposed must be commensurate with the seriousness of the offence , but it remains to be seen whether this attempt to structure sentencing discretion by adopting an offence-based tariff will have the desired effect .
9 Lens designs can improve the cosmetic effect of your glasses , making them thinner , lighter , clearer and easier to clean .
10 However , the obsession in the United States of withholding copyright protection from ideas including features of programs dictated by function might have the drastic effect , if taken to its logical conclusion , of robbing interpreter and compiler programs of copyright protection .
11 But both communities must recognise the cancerous effect of sectarianism , taken to these extremes .
12 ‘ But if the EC Council makes further amendments , the proposal could have the deplorable effect of discouraging farmers from farming .
13 Of course marriage can have the opposite effect but this is largely the virtue of a middle class pact .
14 ‘ Our statistical data shows us that an increase in the value of the try could have the opposite effect .
15 Intravenous infusion of ethanol has not been shown to release measurable amounts of somatostatin but this does not exclude the possibility that somatostatin may mediate the inhibitory effect on the parietal cells .
16 Private enterprise and initiative would replace the stultifying effect of joint responsibility and periodic redistribution of land .
17 Inclusion of large numbers of very old elderly in the study population will produce the opposite effect .
18 If it is desired to emphasise the penetrating , rather reedy quality of the higher viola notes an oboe or two added in unison will do this , while two flutes in unison with the violas will produce the opposite effect by rounding off the tone .
19 Whether the new tax will have the desired effect and whether it will have an effective life-span ( there is in already a White Paper on ‘ Land ’ ( Cmnd 5730 ) ) are questions which can only be answered in the future .
20 Occasionally overlap may have the opposite effect due to the ‘ falling between two stools ’ phenomenon , two operators at the same level or at different levels may each assume that the other has taken a particular action which they both know is required .
21 A forceful demonstration that the law is failing to realize its own professed principles may have the beneficial effect of shaming it into action .
22 This means that a word mask should reduce the word-superiority effect in comparison with a feature mask ; and Johnston and McClelland ( 1980 ) showed that this was the case .
23 To reduce the risk of the concrete sticking to the formwork , it is advisable to grease or limewash it , although in practice a thorough soaking with clean water will have the desired effect .
24 Admittedly , the thought-processes of anyone still undecided which way to vote on Thursday must be mysterious or vestigial : but I can not believe that such nonsense will have the slightest effect on the result of the election .
25 Of course , changing the logic of the corresponding conditions can have the same effect .
26 The first is a highly fortuitous and austere way : namely that the compound might have the same effect — the transfer of some particular kind of information — sufficiently often and sufficiently advantageously for there to be some selective advantage in its coming standardly to possess that significance : that is , for it to acquire the biological function of transmitting just that kind of information .
27 She could n't be at all sure that giving in to such an impulse would have the desired effect .
28 And it follows from this that an acceleration of this replacement will have the same effect as if there had been an increase in fixed capital .
29 A Giant will have the same effect on your enemy as a big monster .
30 Many general practitioners will know the unpleasant effect that a broken phial of dextrose has on the inside of a medical bag .
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