Example sentences of "[noun] [be] standing at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Three or four people without seats were standing at the far dome car end , including the actress Angelica .
2 Martin was standing at the furthermost edge of the terrace , looking over the gardens and down to the sea .
3 A policeman was standing at the other end of the alley .
4 T'zin was standing at the far end , and Jotan and Nogai were circling one another in the wide space of one of the loose boxes .
5 Ralph Salperton was standing at the living-room window .
6 Two men were standing at the further end of the clearing shooting at a wand .
7 RICHARD and EMMA are standing at the front door of a rambling , untidy , Edwardian Mansion .
8 Mme Guérigny was standing at the front door , her head pushed back , shouting up to the attic window for Jean-Claude .
9 Yvonne was standing at the far end of the room in her red tent dress , her arms extended , a glass of brandy glimmering in one hand .
10 When they went in Marc was standing at the high-arched window at the far end of a long refectory made sepulchral by huge arching beams of dark oak .
11 A detective-constable was standing at the front door with the detached watchfulness of a man paid to endure boredom but ready to leap into action should , unaccountably , the boredom end .
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