Example sentences of "stopped at a " in BNC.

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1 The jeep stopped at a caravan that was situated just off the path and under two trees .
2 Stopped at a traffic light by the SuperMac shopping complex on South Belfast 's ringroad , Botters , by all accounts , spots a woman driving the adjoining car without her seat-belt fastened .
3 Colombian-born Lieutenant Roberto Paz , was unarmed when he and other marines in civilian clothes were stopped at a roadblock .
4 In one demonstration my car was stopped at a hospital entrance but it soon became clear that much of the resentment was directed at what were seen as remote hospital authorities ‘ up there , .
5 We passed two ruined abbeys , one with a tower and one without , and then stopped at a four-house township .
6 He trudged on , stopped at a tavern , and ordered a drink ; then another .
7 There were another 100 miles of flatland , of dust , sheep , rheas and distant mountains before we were stopped at a police post .
8 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
9 Myeloski , not having had his customary oatmeal porridge for breakfast , had stopped at a shop to buy some vobla , a dried Caspian roach .
10 Stopped at a village as it was getting dark .
11 The coach stopped at a neat house in a quiet , shady street in north London .
12 Tom had also stopped at a Dutch trading post on an island to the north and purchased , in exchange for provisions in short supply , some twenty-five Africans .
13 We drove across the Belgium border at Aachen , stopped at a service station about 30 miles from Brussels , and slept in the cab .
14 It had been taken along here for 30 fathoms and stopped at a fault beyond which the vein had been lost .
15 Quiss was led by the dwarfish scullions , through the banked ranges past gleaming tubs , boiling vats , open fires and grills past rows of massive , wing-nutted pressure cookers guarded by blast screens , under huge n-shaped pipes , bubbling and gurgling and leaking steam , and over the dainty , counter-sunk tracks of a narrow-gauge railway until eventually he saw a wall ahead , and was led up a rickety wooden staircase to a narrow gantry then stopped at a small wooden door set into the wall .
16 They were stopped at a sentry post to have passes checked and moved on through the wool of the fog , traffic sounds muted , an anguished cry from the Thames as a ship sounded its foghorn on the way down to the sea .
17 The car he was after stopped at a junction , so Chris jumped out and reached into their window and grabbed the keys .
18 Mr Attwooll said Gregory was driving John Wright when Gregory said he had an errand to run and stopped at a house in Billingham .
19 Miss Jeanette , who at the time was Nichol 's 16year-old girlfriend , told how a week after the attack they were stopped at a police road block .
20 On the way he had stopped at a pub for three pints of Guinness , then arrived back in Darlington around 11pm when he was stopped .
21 A UN military observer , Colonel Walter van Dijk , who was with the convoy when it was stopped at a police and army barricade in Serbia yesterday , said the fate of the convoy had been ‘ resolved at the highest level ’ .
22 Cranston , who had stopped at a local tavern to refill his miraculous wineskin , was full of chatter and speculation .
23 In assuming that it may be rational to be a sceptic about value alone , we had stopped at an uncomfortable halfway house between philosophy and common sense , between the pure thinker who doubts everything and the plain man who questions neither what he sees nor what he likes or dislikes .
24 They had stopped at an inn close to Minster Lovell to buy a grand meal and sup a few tankards of ale .
25 She said the driver had stopped at an intersection , got into the back seat with her and assaulted and raped her .
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