Example sentences of "hold no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Big breasts hold no attraction for him .
2 The fences hold no fears for this big fellow and he has a marvellous chance according to his trainer of making it two in a row and thereby join a small but privileged group .
3 I know beyond question that I am Oedipus and he is I. I should make it clear that I hold no truck with the theory of reincarnation ; it is just as clear to me that I am Marie Romanov , whose life overlapped with mine .
4 CHICAGO 'S SMASHING Pumpkins hold no truck with antiquated r ‘ n ’ r myths .
5 Obviously these privately owned buses hold no truck with The Knowledge , because our lad did n't know his St Pancreas from his Bell-Bow .
6 Careerists in these positions hold no hope for us , we have seen the attacks from Labour as well as the Conservatives .
7 To some it will seem perverse to choose to inhabit that village-world of rural prejudice but I was never a town-child and the Scottish cities in particular hold no charms for me .
8 Mr Adams 's brother James said the family hold no animosity towards anyone over David 's death .
9 Study rather to understand the subject — following our suggestions in chapters 2 and 4 on studying and note-making — and passing the examination will be assured as a by-product ; the examination need hold no terrors for you .
10 Heaven and Hell not only hold no terrors or promises for them — they no longer even exist as figures of speech .
11 If you can talk your way out of trouble in a Chinese opium den , the back streets of London hold no fear for you .
12 Wisely understood , resolutely faced , it need hold no fear for the Christian .
13 For the very young , like four year old Rebecca , the pumpkin lanterns hold no fear … just wide eyed wonderment .
14 Glossy finishes hold no fascination for potter Toff Milway ( here with his son Hugh in his Gloucestershire studio ) .
15 On the other hand , public relations is often looked down on by the media as messengers with stories that hold no interest and which will be presented in the wrong way at the wrong time and in the wrong situation .
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