Example sentences of "move at a " in BNC.

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1 It turns out that the worms move at a rate which is unaffected by the intensity of illumination , but they change direction , to left or right , at a rate which does vary with light intensity .
2 All cold-blooded creatures move at a leisurely pace , but are capable , as we have seen , of sudden flights of speed when necessary .
3 If Southland 's game is representative of New Zealand rugby , then it 's quick and the forwards move at a great pace ’ — JACK ROWELL ( England ‘ B ’ coach in New Zealand ) after the 31–16 win against Southland .
4 Cattle and sheep move at a leisurely pace over the earthworks that mark where men once lived and worked .
5 However , unless they move at a very early age , such people rarely sound " totally " American .
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