Example sentences of "picked up the " in BNC.

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1 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
2 He picked up the telephone .
3 She picked up the bag that held the can of red spray paint and left the living room in silence .
4 She moved her glass , picked up the brochure and leafed through it , studying pictures of happy couples .
5 She rushed back to the living room and picked up the snaps .
6 He rose , walked round the table and picked up the skein .
7 She picked up the alarm clock , three large cushions and a blanket , went into the kitchen and closed the door firmly behind her .
8 I picked up the Evening News from one of the street sellers and looked through its entertainment pages .
9 While the sleepers ran empty , BR picked up the hard-pressed nocturnal travellers with a new cheapo ‘ Nightrider ’ using spare first-class coaches with fluorescent lighting encased in soothing blue plastic .
10 He picked up the Bren gun , I collected the ammunition and we made our way out of the orchard .
11 ‘ Glad you enjoyed it , Taff , ’ I answered as we both climbed out of the trench , picked up the Bren and the ammunition and made our way along the road in the direction of the orchard .
12 The correspondent of The Times in Riga , with access to both current Western and Soviet sources , picked up the discrepant views of M. Litvinov at the Hague and L. Krasin , the Commissar for Trade in Moscow .
13 The phone went on ringing , and finally , irritated , she stumbled off the bed and picked up the receiver from the floor where Phoebe usually left the phone .
14 Having collected the mail and picked up the following day 's patrol tasks , the vehicles arrive and we return to Rosemount for lunch .
15 Erika picked up the phone and through a barrage of crackles heard a smooth voice .
16 Omi picked up the phone , said ‘ Karl ’ a couple of times , then frowned at Frau Nordern .
17 He threw his dressing gown casually on the chair and — with never a glance at Arty — jumped between the sheets , picked up the newspaper from the floor beside the bed , opened it out and peered over the top , his ears tuned to the conversation .
18 He lifted his hands in a helpless gesture , then , letting them drop , he picked up the next chart .
19 In 1955 the company picked up the film rights to a popular sci-fi TV series .
20 Having given them the song , it was a hit and that 's when Tony DeFries picked up the management .
21 In 1981 , when he was known to be seriously ill , Henry Fonda was voted Best Actor for On Golden Pond : his daughter and ( co-star ) Jane picked up the Oscar for him , and he died just five months later .
22 Philip picked up the carrier bag .
23 Philip picked up the armful of sticks he 'd gathered and walked across to his hide .
24 Philip picked up the roll of wire and nipped off a length with the cutters .
25 He picked up the lop-sided contraption that was meant to be his pheasant trap .
26 Philip picked up the roll of wire from beside the hide and clipped off a good length of wire .
27 She picked up the phone .
28 Philip picked up the bag , checking for holes .
29 Mrs Wright waved her gun at him and Caspar charged past her , picked up the dead magpie and disappeared .
30 Lee held on to Caspar who was pulling , while Philip bolted the door , forcing it , and picked up the torch that Lee had dropped .
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