Example sentences of "allow for the " in BNC.

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1 If the foliage was closely arranged around the figure this would allow for the cutter 's inability to carve deeper than the distance between its projecting edge and the body of the angle grinder that powers it .
2 It becomes unhealthy if you overload the amount of product ; use the wrong fryer for the job ; or if you do n't allow for the recovery period of the oil temperature . ’
3 This approach may be possible if educational objectives have a very short time-scale but it does not allow for the change of direction which is often necessary in schools .
4 This would allow for the fulfilment of a monster 's dietary needs .
5 Systematic : Facilities must allow for the systematic storage of goods which means adequate racking with suitable shelf spacing .
6 Wide aisles should allow for the use of wheeled baskets or trolleys , and floor surfaces should be safe .
7 Now , if the depression has been preceded by a particularly deep-going crisis , equilibrium may be established at such a low level of activity that the volume of fixed capital currently being produced may well be considerably smaller than that which would allow for the time-proportional replacement of fixed capital at the previous average rate .
8 ‘ What if ’ types of facilities when available will allow for the reasoning about complex failure models and effects .
9 Your initial design brief might also allow for the fact that many plastic boxes ( for example ) incorporate mounting bushes in their bases so that the p.c.b .
10 The old way of calculating how many inches of fish per square foot of surface area does not allow for the differences between different fish .
11 When buying a Snakehead , you should allow for the fact that they will eventually outgrow standard aquariums .
12 Bear in mind , when you are starting a shot , that you should allow for the backspace time .
13 Bouch 's bridge was made mainly of wrought iron and did not allow for the movement so essential in bridges of that type .
14 Some have a substantial occupational pension , and possible capital accumulation which might allow for the provision of goods and services in a period of dependency .
15 How can we allow for the possibility that someone might request an opinion antagonistically , by picking on someone who does not want to speak ?
16 Hash coding methods ( section 3.2.6 ) were also not implemented as they do not allow for the study of sub-word letter sequences .
17 They , for instance , display in self-deportment great tranquillity , or mastery of emotions ; for one of their greatest duties is to create the tranquil relationships which would allow for the work of building community , and therefore for its wealth .
18 The East German State at that stage voted 90 million Ostmarks towards a programme that would also allow for the construction of underground stores and laboratories and the insertion of climate-control systems , as well as complete redecoration .
19 The problem with this approach is that it does n't allow for the possibility that there are additional cellular mechanisms of plasticity in mammals , that have evolved to underpin our greater learning abilities .
20 Secondly , explanations of strategy that appeal only to external constraints do not allow for the possibility that a class may have a range of interests , not all of which can be satisfied by any single policy .
21 Also while the L-Series boards were designed to provide two Mbus and four SBus connections , when using the SS2 chassis , the height restriction does n't allow for the second bank of Mbus and SBus slots .
22 Also while L-Series boards were designed to provide two Mbus and four SBus connections , when using the SS2 chassis , the height restriction does n't allow for the second bank of Mbus and SBus slots .
23 The earlier discussion should have made clear that the postclassical perspective does not allow for the degree of certainty or inevitability that such terms are usually taken to imply .
24 The trouble with this and other moralistic creeds is that they do not allow for the righteous manifestly not enjoying the fruits of their exemplary conduct .
25 The OSF press release and its mock shock horror surprise also does n't allow for the fact that Addamax voluntarily revealed Sun 's involvement to defendants ' counsel in October of 1991 and that OSF itself has known about it since at least May of this year .
26 The architects of the Constitution were accordingly intent upon constructing political mechanisms that would allow for the essential minimum level of government without encroaching on their hard-won liberties .
27 In any case , at that moment his father 's circumstances would probably not allow for the added burden of a son 's university education .
28 If we could calculate accurately the consequential change in the electron 's momentum then we could allow for the effects of the collision and our knowledge would still be capable of being made exact .
29 Much has been made of the traumatic aspect of being born , yet infants of all species have been born since bearing began and it would be surprising if natural processes did not allow for the experience .
30 The Government now intends to draw up its own inventory of local needs and set a contribution to the local authority that will allow for the provision of those minimum needs in year one .
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